Should all work now. All messages are in HTML. My other mail
program refuses HTML messages, but can read yours & others
without any problem. It is the program of T-Com, my main
provider, who is one of the biggest in the world. Hope,
things work. And an international list should be able to
digest all sorts of messages, but ...... may-be, I was too
fast in answering & did not take care for NOT LEAVING OUT
THE FIRST CHARACTER. This might have caused the blank
messages AND your definite alienophobic filters. If a nation
is on war ..........

BTW, did I tell you, that we have nearly missed the big
quake in China, as leaving Chengdu three weeks before the
disaster only. Watch out, I will offer several horn books,
old methods & mouthpieces & pictures for sale or auction
very soon, some very hard to find things if you find them in
the market. 

Is there anyone out who could transfer old Pathe records
(100 RPM, from inside to outside) to WAV or MP3 ? Let me
know, please.

Now the messages:

About faulty horn making:
There are a lot pseudo hunting horns in the market in
Austria & Germany, huntinghorns with a change valve from Eb
to Bb. The valve is a retro valve, means you shorten the
horn by pushing the key. To fit the valve into the body &
still keep the body reasonable in design, they shortened the
tubings of this device, containing the necessay tube lengths
for the Eb extension.. And there is no tuning for this
valve. So you have to tune the horn either to Bb, but as
soon as you play on the Eb part, it will be too sharp. If
you tune it the key not pushed (Eb), the horn will be
horrible flat  as soon as you push the key.

Let designers write music, they would never write any rhythm
other than 4/4, just to get it symetric. A horn built square
instead of round would fit much easier into a case, but the
notes would bounce from one corner to the other. If annealed
steel is used, it would result to a
steel-under-water-bouncing, but no horn tone. Blame these
people who built horns with wrong tube lengths.  Blame them
publically !  Fortunately, nobody wil die, if a horn is not
built properly, but how about engineers designing a bridge
which collaps with sevceral dozen people crossing it. They &
their supporting politicians will say: bad luck

Technicolor mouthpieces:
A new leak in Hattiesburg perhaps ? Or contaminated
lipsticks ? Radiated material used ? Some companies use deep
freezing others use X-raying, third companies use radiation
(cobalt). Or Chinese products ? Some companies with access
to high tech bring them into salt mines, but some salt mines
carry also radioactive waste depots ....... Have you heard
about these color changing precious stones from Russia named
alexandrite. They change color between daylight & artificial
light. But these, even produced now in a fuse process, are
too hard to be used for a mouthpiece, so they cannot be the
source. Have you checked your drinking water ? No ? I would
do it. Some bottled water comes from obscure sources, while
tap water is regulated by law usually, but when profit is in
sight, law will be broken easily.

So, please, check about. Oops, I forgot the influence of
teeth-bleechers, recycled metal .....

Coating makes no difference as the silver or cold coating is
of 5/1000 of a mm usually, which does not tighten the hole
nor increasing the weight significantly. The total weight of
the mouthpiece is of influence to the tones strength &
colour as well as the shape (cup, funnel, thickness of the
material, design of the mouthpiece generally). Painting the
mouthpiece has also no influence. Material (yellow brass,
white brass, sterling silver, titanium, plexi, wood) has a
great influence definitely.

Danger of loud playing:
Rehearsing a Mahler part at 1 am seems to be insane anyway.
People doing this should better stay in a home for mentally
disturbed. Why arenĀ“t they able to organize their time
(practise) during normal hours not after mid-night ???????

Yes, World has changed much the last years, but you see how
the employers exploit their employees. And we stupid in
Europe have adopted your system also. In some cases it is
right to adopt a success/performance related salary, but how
about the people in the leading positions or even CEO ???
They reduce your income to give a big rise to themselves.

I do understand your problem, but one MUST not judge all
problems from the very personal situation. Why dont you
bring your mouthpiece to your working place just to do some
embouchure gymnastics while you work ?

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