Quoting Barbara Hunn:


Does anyone in the Saint Louis, MO. area own one of the new Conn V8D
or V8DS? If anyone does and would be willing to let me play it for
30min to an hour I'd really appreciate it.

A couple of weeks ago I was unexpectedly in the neighborhood of Washington Music Center/Chuck Levin's. So I stopped in and asked to try the vintage reissue/Elkhart Memorial 8D. The Conn rep on the "other" horn list said Chuck's had one on order.

The salesman there told me they were expecting delivery the end of October. He also didn't seem optimistic that they'd actually get them by then. (BTW, to those in the D.C. area to whom this may be of interest: Chuck's is getting one each of all the variations: fixed bell, screw bell, and the above with & without flipper.)

So it may be a little too early to find one anywhere, aside from the ones sold at the IHS workshop.

Howard Sanner

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