With the usual apologies for self-promotion, could I draw to the attention
of listers to a couple of forthcoming events?


In the US my book is about to be published under a new title. HarperCollins
in New York didn’t think American readers would take too kindly to the
double entendre in the British title, so it’s appearing on 2 December as A
Devil To Play. The jacket design features a sort of Monty Python style image
of a rickety old single F horn with my head appearing nervously out of the
bell. It’s available for inspection on my website. 


Could I also flag up for UK listers a forthcoming stage version of the book?
It’s on in a small London theatre from 1 to 20 December. It’s surely safe to
say that there will never in our lifetime be another play starring the
French horn. The play took its first bow in June at the Aldeburgh Festival,
where audiences seemed to like it. Again, there’s more detailed information
on the website. Click on the image of the guy with half his head inside the
bell of my Lídl.


There’s other stuff on the website, including extracts, reviews and a page
dedicated to spreading the word about Dave Lee, the great British horn
player who features heavily in both the book and play.









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