Dear Horn Listers:
Please allow me this opportunity to invite those of you attending the NEHW  
at Ithaca College this weekend to visit the Lawson Horns / Kendall Betts Horn  
Camp exhibits in room 3304 in the Whalen Center.
I will have the full inventory of Lawson demonstration models, mouthpieces,  
lead-pipes, and bell flares on display and available for testing.  I have  
extensive stock of all mouthpiece cups and rims and will offer them at a  
discount for workshop attendees.  Any order for a lead-pipe or bell flare  made 
will receive a discount as well.  I also will have a used Lawson  Model 8211 
Descant for sale.  This horn is owned by noted NY  free-lancer, Bobby Routch, 
and is in "as new" condition.  Here is  an opportunity to purchase a fine 
instrument without a wait for delivery  next year.
I will also have information on KBHC.  I welcome your visit and I will  be 
happy to answer any questions you might have regarding Lawson Horns, KBHC and  
horn lore in general.
All that said, this looks to be a stellar workshop with headliners Gail  
Williams, Adam Unsworth and the American Horn Quartet.
I hope to see you in Ithaca!
Kendall Betts
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