Hi Jill, There are two criteria to be addressed in estimating the value of your instrument:

1, What would it cost to replace it with one of similar qualitiy?

Broadly speaking, Lechniuk horns fall into the same catagory as other handmade instruments from small makers using outsourced parts. So, a new Lechniuk,were one available available, would be priced in the same region as other similar, instruments from, Lewis, Berg, Rauch, etc., about $9000-$12000.

2, What is it's antique/collectible value?

Because Jerry made so few horns a real market for them has never developed. Geyer horns (Jerry Lechniuk is Geyer's direct linear descendant) sell for anywhere from about $7000 to $12000, depending on condition.

So, figure out what the horn would cost to replace with a similar instrument and use that number as your replacement value. Since some of the more in-demand makers are a little less than forthcoming about the final price for their instruments I think a figure of about $10000 would be about right. You could also use the Schmid price list on our web site to get a reasonably close approximation.

Bob Osmun
(worked for a year with Jerry Lechniuk in 75-76)

PS-Keep your horn flooded with oil and it will last forever.

Jill Jaques wrote:
Hi all -
I'm wondering if anyone can offer some advice for me:

I need to get my horn insured - a recent rash a break-ins in the neighborhood is making me feel kinda nervous about letting my horn go uninsured this long. Clarion wants an appraisal or a comp before they will insure it. Here's the tricky part: I play a Lechniuk, of which there are only 20-something ever made and they never come up for sale, and a lot of people (esp. here on the West Coast) have never heard of them. So getting a comp or an appraisal is proving very difficult.
Any thoughts?  Suggestions?  Ideas of who to get in touch with that might be 
willing to provide me with a number?  It doesn't have to be a formal appraisal, 
just a number I can show them.

I REALLY appreciate any help y'all can offer...


Jill (in Seattle)

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