Very exciting. I am planning on being in the Washington, D.C. area a week
or so too late to hear either of these performances. I find it interesting,
though I'm not sure what it means, that the NSO doesn't think that the horn
players deserve mention by name anywhere on their website. Reminds me of
the Thieleman/Philharmonia and Gardiner/OAE recordings on DG a few year

Would Yo-Yo Ma (to pick a name totally at random) put up with this sort of
treatment? Even the violist in Harold in Italy always gets credit in the
program just below the maestro.

As Mr. Dangerfield put it - I(we) get no respect.

Peter Hirsch

>message: 15
>date: Thu, 7 May 2009 05:23:02 -0700 (PDT)
>from: Gabriel Gitman <>
>subject: [Hornlist] Konzertst?ck in Washington DC
>In an unlikely coincidence, the Schumann Konzertst=FCck is being played
>ce this month in DC.  Area horn players may already know about the NSO's
>coming program:

>My organization, "The President's Own" United States Marine Band, is
>its own rendition this Sunday at NOVA Alexandria campus.  It will be this
>Sunday at 2, and will feature our own members, MGySgt Max Cripe, SSgt
>as Quinzi, GySgt Greta Richard, and MSgt Amy Horn.  As with all our
>ances, tickets are free.  Here's the program for the concert:
>SSgt Gabriel Gitman=0A=0A=0A

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