Despite my various horn postings, I am by profession
a physical therapist. And this interesting topic is right in
my field. I qualified as a chartered and state registered
physiotherapist in 1968, I hold diplomas in osteopathy,
acupuncture and many other therapies. After working
for several years in London and other British NHS
hospitals I opened my own private clinic, the
Alternative Therapy Clinic, in 1970, and am still
running it now.

A musician’s problems are NO DIFFERENT
whatsoever from those of any sportsman or indeed
any other human being. We all suffer from the same
physical or mental stresses as everyone else.

I am always concerned when I read that a patient has to
have a SERIES of treatments. It makes me think of the
Mighty Dollar, often into the therapist’s pocket and out
of the patient’s. Only ONCE in over forty years have I
had to see a patient for ten treatments. Usually a course
of care takes from three to six visits. Indeed I fully expect
there to be demonstrable results in literally TWO MINUTES.

Though my second visit is always two days after the first.
without seeing a specific case, three times a week seems
an AWFUL lot of visits, to me.

I never use electrical treatments, very rarely use massage,
and on the issue of trigger points, I prefer to get at the
factor which actually caused those trigger points. Easily
and quickly done without having to use needles.

Of course, the final judgement has to be, whether the patient
feels better. But there are very often quicker and very much
cheaper ways of achieving that same result.
Surgery of course,always has to be the last resort.

While I'm on my Hobby Horse, let me remind Listers that
genetic factors often run through families. If Dad has arthritis
in his neck, perhaps affecting his violin or horn playing, then
look to the child – and to the grandchild – and on to the

Every Daffodil is Yellow, even fifty years later. If a little child
hasGrowing Pains, there almost certainly is the start of the
carpal tunnel syndrome, the frozen shoulder, the TMJ
malfunction, the slipped disk of thirty years time. Checkups
should be started from perhaps age six, or possibly even

There, I FEEL BETTER after all that!

If anyone has specific health queries, ask me on line
for the benefit of all of us.

John Roberts-James
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