UN SPIDER's hosting a "Crowdsource Mapping for Preparedness and Emergency 
Response" meeting on 5-6 Jul 2011 in Vienna, about a week before SotM EU. 

"In recent years, advancements in technologies have made it possible for 
virtual communities such as OpenStreetMap, Ushahidi, Sahana, CrisisMappers, 
Virtual Disaster Viewer, Google MapMaker and INSTEDD to provide increasing 
support to disaster preparedness and emergency response efforts. Important 
cornerstones of this virtual effort are the possibility to access and take 
advantage of post-disaster satellite imagery as well as the use of other 
space-based technologies such as telecommunications satellites and global 
navigation satellite systems. Taking note of the need to connect these 
pioneering communities with the space industry as well as the disaster 
management community, the UN-SPIDER Programme is carrying out a one-year 
project (“Space-based information for Crowdsource Mapping”) aiming at 
identifying specific actions that could ensure a closer cooperation among the 
three communities. The first activity of this project will be an Expert Meeting 
to be held in Vienna to discuss strategies that will contribute to supporting 
civil protection and emergency management agencies to make use of products 
generated by such groups in areas of preparedness and emergency response and 
provide a better understanding to these groups on the specific needs of the 
disaster management community. "


Is anyone from HOT planning to go? I am toying with the idea.

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