Hey Schuyler,

Do you have an update from the meeting?  Meaning is there something
those that did not attend but want to help could do?

You mentioned editing the wiki.  Is that this page here or are there
others? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/HOT_activation


On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Schuyler Erle <schuy...@nocat.net> wrote:
> Hello everyone, it's almost time for the next Activation WG meeting! This 
> meeting's agenda will pick up where the last one left off -- assigning 
> volunteers to help catalog and describe possible activation tasks.
> The meeting will start at 1400 GMT on *this* Thursday 12 April, on the #hot 
> IRC channel on irc.oftc.net, and will run no longer than an hour. The 
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team needs *your* help to get us properly 
> organized for the next humanitarian crisis. PLEASE JOIN US.
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