Just a little feedback here too - I did two squares using Potlatch - using
the main imagery URL - and was able to trace all buildings and roads, I was
a bit dissapointed I couldn't see any traditional huts, as the PDF guide
said there would be, and assumed the areas was crops and trees. Anyhow, it
was reasonably rapidly done and I marked the jobs as done.

Then I saw that alternative imagery was available, and this had less
clouds, and a lot more buildings. I had to disqualify the squares I had
done, and, like Sam was saying, spent quite a long time tracing a lot more
buildings. This time, there were huts!

I found the Potlatch2 editor and the imagery level not very good for
drawing polygons around the small huts - I made a few errors, adding
attributes to nodes instead of ways, and not correctly closing these small
ways, I found that there were no instructions for adding the imagery to
Potlatch from the tasking manager (but I knew how to do it anyhow). I found
that there was no instructions for adding the .osm vector job square
boundary, and so I added these instructions to the wiki page for the
Tasking Manager.

I also noticed that some buildings only appeared on one of the imageries. I
wasn't able to determine the age of the imageries, and so did not know
which one was more "true" - and so kept all structures that appeared in
both. (I assume that the main one was nearer to now, but had cloud cover,
and so the older one was provided which had no cloud cover)

Anyhow, in summary, most of my points I could have solved doing a bit of
reading around the task, forward planning and using JOSM! The size of the
jobs were a bit too big, I think, even though the ones I chose were more
rural. I added 320 buildings/ways over the two jobs squares. Hope this
feedback helps!

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