Hey Sam,

When I get time I'll definitely follow up with a summary blog post. Right
now we're focused on putting the data to good use, and I want to rack up
some more successes with that before I report back. These projects take
time to roll out and we're only in the initial phases right now; better to
wait and talk about it when we've got a lot to say.

In the mean time, would the article you mentioned suffice?


Robert Banick | GIS Coordinator | International Services | Ì American Red
Cross <http://www.redcross.org/>
2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
Tel 202-303-5017 | Cell 404-964-3451 | Fax 202-303‹052 | Skype

On 10/22/12 6:11 AM, "Sam Larsen" <samlars...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

>Glad to hear you have got so much value out of this HOT project.
>Are you able to write a blog post summarising the project and HOT
>involvement similar to the one I have found here:
>I would love to circulate a great success story about what we do to GIS &
>non-GIS savvy people.  I think the level of GIS-speak in the above
>article is probably about right for the general public.
>> From: "Banick, Robert" <robert.ban...@redcross.org>
>>To: "hot@openstreetmap.org" <hot@openstreetmap.org>
>>Sent: Friday, 19 October 2012, 19:50
>>Subject: [HOT] Taking Gulu down?
>>Hey HOT team,
>>With the Gulu imagery expired and the city ridiculously well mapped, I
>>think it¹s time to take down the Gulu task. As far as I¹m concerned, we
>>can declare mission accomplished for Gulu ­ everything we wanted /
>>needed mapped came through. Again, a million thanks to the volunteers
>>and HOTties who made that possible.
>>I can tell that you all have been trying to clear out the clutter on the
>>tasking manager and would like to do my part in that.
>>Re: Lira, there¹s a little more work to be done. If possible I¹d like to
>>keep it up for 2 more weeks to wring out the last drops of mapping
>>goodness. Let me know your thoughts.
>>Robert Banick| GIS Coordinator | International Services | ÌAmerican Red
>>2025 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
>>Tel 202-303-5017 | Cell 404-964-3451 | Fax 202-303‹052 | Skype
>>HOT mailing list

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