Hello HOTties, 

We are extending the new member election period through the end of 2012, since 
we did not receive the minimum number of ballots cast during the original time 
frame to elect any new members this year. We will continue to accept votes for 
new members until the very last moment of 31 Dec 2012, Pacific Standard Time 

If you are a _voting member_ of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and you 
have not voted yet, your ACTION IS REQUIRED. Please visit the nomination page 
to see who is eligible to be inducted into voting membership in HOT:


Then, please go and vote for the individuals whom you feel are qualified to 
help provide the Team with guidance through eligibility to vote on elections 
and other key issues.


If you are a voting member, PLEASE not put this off any further. It will only 
take you a few minutes.

According to our bylaws, we need to receive affirmative votes from AT LEAST 
2/3rds of our voting membership in order to induct anyone at all this year. 
Right now we have ballots cast by less than half of our membership.

The outcome of the vote will be announced no sooner than 2 Jan 2013. The open 
period for nominations to the Board of Directors will be extended at least 
until 6 Jan 2013.

It has come to my attention that, since the prior announcements were made on 
the voting members list, some people who are eligible to vote might not have 
received them. If you ARE a voting member, and have not received these 
announcements, please contact kristen.egerme...@hotosm.org with your updated 
email address.

HOT is depending on you. Please don't let us down.

Have a happy holiday season!

Stay HOT,


(on behalf of your Board of Directors)
HOT mailing list

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