Dear HOT members,

You're well aware that mobile data technology is changing the way charities and aid agencies help out people affected by conflict, hunger and natural disasters, and we want to invite you to a unique opportunity to learn more about latest development of mobile data collection.

/Join us at the NOMAD workshop on May 15th to 17th, 2013; at the French Space Agency (CNES) headquarter in Paris, France! /

The event will start by NOMAD's presentation on the current challenges of mobile data collection for the humanitarian sector. Then, Wednesday afternoon will be dedicated to a solution fair where you will be able to walk around, meet and greet the different solution providers and gain a first overview of the different tools presented.

On Thursday and Friday, mobile data collection solution providers will conduct hands-on demonstrations in small groups and answer all your questions. Always wanted to hear more about a specific solution and test it out before deciding which one might be best for your organisation and situation? At the end of the workshop, after trying and testing various data collection tools, we promise that you and your organization will be able to select and decide on the best tool for your survey.

The package of the event also includes a workshop bag with a pen drive with the event's information pre-loaded on it, breakfast on Thursday and Friday, coffee break on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday, and a set-price dinner on Thursday evening (beverages are additional, except water).

*To participate in this event please pre-register here:**
** *
The prices are listed on the webpage as well. The spaces are limited, and will be capped at 150; therefore it is advisable to register early.

Any organizational questions regarding participation in the Paris workshop, please contact me ( And feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested by it.

If your organization would like to give a short presentation on your experiences with Mobile Data Collection Tools, get in touch, if there is enough interest, a session on exchanging experiences can be organized as well. The agenda will be published in due course.

/We all at NOMAD look forward to seeing you at the Paris workshop in May for a stimulating series of productive and collaborative discussions./

Martin Noblecourt
Coordinateur des projets bénévoles & admin assistant | Volunteers projects 
coordinator & admin assistant
Bureau/Office : +33 (0)4 79 26 28 82

CartONG - GIS and Mapping services for humanitarian organizations / Services de 
cartographie et de gestion de l'information pour organisations humanitaires
180 rue du Genevois, 73000 Chambéry, France

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