> From: Yantisa Akhadi [mailto:yant...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 12:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [HOT] next HOT tech chat
> A very interesting topic, unfortunately 17.00 UTC equal 02.00 AM in 
> Indonesia. Here in Indonesia we're thinking of developing some kind 
> of cache server, since network bandwith is a major issue almost in 
> every workshop that we have.

So, there's a few different things you could cache.

One is imagery/tiles. For tiles it's a well-solved problem, tile.osm.org
uses a bunch of squid caches and the configuration is all at

Imagery is in principle the same, but you have to check the terms of use to
make sure you can cache.

In terms of bandwidth, tiles + imagery is probably most. The two remaining
are API downloads and API uploads.

For download, there's a few options. If you're using JOSM with the mirrored
download plugin you can download from an XAPI-style mirror. This only works
on map? calls (downloading an area), not the other API calls like download
relation members. It also requires a plugin and an xapi-style mirror, which
I'll get to later.

There's almost-api which is a simple PHP script that directs to either an
overpass API instance or the main API, as appropriate. It doesn't support
oauth and some calls aren't properly supported.

I'm working on a cgimap-based solution right now, which uses pgsnapshot as a
backend. Better call support, and I have a config that redirects to the main
API for calls it can't handle.

All three problems require an xapi/pgsnapshot/overpass instance. This is
roughly in the 500GB range. You could load an extract and use regional
diffs, but I think these often lag behind by a few minutes+, and conflict
resolution is a pain.

As for API uploads, they can't be cached. 

For a deployment with limited resources, the only options are probably tiles
+ imagery caches. Hopefully if you can take away a significant part of the
traffic it makes everything else better. 

For the Indonesia case, an API cache is an option, but I'd suggest the
priority should be a tile CDN cache meeting the specs at
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Servers/Tile_CDN. If someone wants to
supply one, the contact info and requirements are on the wiki page. I know
the admins have said a few times that they want a tile cache in Asia

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