
On the hotosm tasks I participated in (342 and 347 mainly), I noticed many 
tiles marked as finished and even validated, when several buildings and 
sometimes whole areas have not been traced yet.
What could be done to avoid this ?

* I think a clearer "Unlock it!." button might help for those who want to stop 
and only see the "Mark Task as Done" button.
* For new tasks, the introduction and workflow could maybe add a note to only 
click "Done" if you are 100% sure ALL has been traced.
* It seems impossible to invalidate a tile that is already validated.

Another solution could be to restart a new task for the same area once the 
initial one is validated to check for missed parts.
Task 360 kind of does this, but mixes adding lacking buildings and evaluating 
This seems logical, but the result is that some mark a task as done just after 
adding the buildings, and some omly after assessing the damage (without adding 
new buildings).

I'm not complaining ! 
It is really great to see so many persons involved, and I'm sure it is very 
helpful. The problems mentionned above are really small compared to the 

Happy mapping, and thanks to all.


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