Hi again:

I am just importing the data for a tile as a test (the one that has
Berbérati town in the SE corner ( http://osm.org/go/wJ4HSfE- )).

I've seen three things that I am in doubt:

In the Education import:

1) All schools have a 'fixme' tag that doesn't make any sense for me,
and that I left unchanged. They are like fixme=16.9603;7.62196 . They
look geolocation data, but they don't match with the latitude/longitude
of the place at all. One example is this node (École Saint Beris):


2) Some schools have the 'capacity:classrooms', 'capacity:pupils' and
'capacity:teachers' with value "0". Shouldn't it be set to "unknown" in
case there is no data of number of classrooms and pupils/teachers
capacity, as it doensn't make sense a school without classrooms, nor
pupils nor teachers?

I am now with the Water wells import:

3) All nodes have a 'operator' tag that is set to "yes" or "no". I think
this should be wrong. Even if we think that the mistake is about mixing
'operator' with 'operational_status' tags, it isn't again the point, as
there are wells that are set with operational_status=closed +
operator=yes, and wells that have operational_status=open + operator=no.

As for the Health import I didn't spot any problem, but I would suggest
to add to the wiki the meaning of the abbreviations to help mappers to
change the names accordingly:

CS = Centre de Santé
PS = Poste de Santé
HR = Hôpital Regional



On 21/12/13 23:52, Severin MENARD wrote:
> Hi,
> As part of the CAR wikiproject and the HOT Activation < WikiProject
> Central African Republic Aide Available languages • English • français
> show Other languages — Help us translating this wiki Central African
> Republic, Africa Latitude: (6.0, Longitude: 21.0 Browse Central African
> Republic map Edit map Users in Central African Republic GPS traces
> Wallpaper: 1024x768, 1280x800 Check Map Features via Query-to-map Check
> streets with no-names Geohack for OSM with more maps External links: OSM
> Inspector OpenStreetBrowser Notes OpenStreetBugs GIS Data Extracts via
> WeoGeo MapDust Keep Right! Coastline checker Public transport Wikipedia:
> en,fr Google (& Image search) Webshots Geolocation OpenStreetMap
> Contributors Map housenumbervalidator Use this template for your city •
> What do the links do? Central African Republic is a Country in Africa at
> latitude 6° 0′ 0″ North, longitude 21° 0′ 0″ East. Sommaire [masquer] 1
> Map of Central African Republic 2 HOT in Central African Republic 3 RCA
> crisis - HOT Activation - mapping goals 3.1 Highlights 3.2 Ongoing:
> Mapping of affected cities and towns 3.3 Ongoing: Mapping the country
> main frame: roads, place names and residential areas 3.4 Ongoing:
> Importing UNICEF data 3.5 Done: Mapping Bangui and Zongo 3.6 Road
> network 3.7 Populated Places 3.8 Quality control 3.9 Data Imports 4
> Central African Republic GIS data 5 Imagery & sources 6 Information 7
> Communication [modifier] Map of Central African Republic © OpenStreetMap
> contributors [modifier] HOT in Central African Republic From October
> 2012, HOT has conducted a mapping project in Central African Republic,
> as part of the EUROSHA project together with France Volontaires. The
> initial focus is on baseline mapping of Bangui and the regions in which
> the needs are most crucial. All these activities are meant to support
> the growth of a local OSM group in Central African Republic and the
> growth of the OSM project. In December 2012, considering a rebellion
> took a great number of cities in the country, the EUROSHA Project has
> been canceled in the country and HOT activated the OSM communities in
> order to map specific areas of interest for the humanitarian community
> (see Current activities) with specific Tasking Manager tasks (see
> below). The residential areas of these towns have been 80-100% mapped,
> except for Bambari (20%), only covered by Orbview3 imagery. On March 24,
> 2013, after months of relative statu quo along with violence in some
> towns, the Seleka rebels took over Bangui, ending the hope to see the
> situation to go back to normal. A HOT Activation has been started to map
> Areas of Interest and start importing the humanitarian data provided by
> UNICEF (see below the Data Imports section). [modifier] RCA crisis - HOT
> Activation - mapping goals [modifier] Highlights In November 2013, the
> UN warned the country was at risk of spiraling into genocide and France
> described the country as "..on the verge of genocide." The increasing
> violence was largely from reprisal attacks on civilians from Seleka's
> mainly Muslim fighters and Christian militias called "anti-balaka",
> meaning 'anti-machete' or 'anti-sword'. Christians make up half the
> population and Muslims 15 percent, according to the CIA World Factbook.
> As many Christians have sedentary lifestyles and many Muslims are
> nomadic, claims to the land were yet another dimension of the conflict
> (source: Wikipedia) Useful links to get more info about the situation in
> the country: The Wikipedia page Central African Republic conflict
> (2012–13) relates the events since the rebellion rose up. The ReliefWeb
> page for CAR gathers all the maps and reports made by the humanitarian
> organizations. The last UNICEF situation report, dated December 5-7,
> 2013. The Human Rights Journalists Network for CAR website (in French)
> provides a lot of news from the field The Diaspora Multimedia &
> Audiovisuel is a communication agency in CAR that publishes a lot of
> pictures in its Facebook page The Humanitarian and Development
> Partnership Team (HDPT) unites all organizations working to alleviate
> the humanitarian and development crisis in the Central African Republic
> (CAR). They post several articles (in English and French) a day
> concerning the situation in CAR on their facebook page. The facebook
> page of the United Nations in the Central African Republic provides also
> a lot of news (in French) about the situation in the Central African
> Republic. [modifier] Ongoing: Mapping of affected cities and towns As
> part of a HOT activation, mapping selected towns affected by the
> rebellion starting in December 2012 with satellite imagery, based on
> Areas of Interest identified by local humanitarian stakeholders. Go to
> the HOT Tasking Manager and map tasks in the featured jobs. Regarding
> what has done so far, see the table below and please edit it after every
> contribution. [modifier] Ongoing: Mapping the country main frame: roads,
> place names and residential areas Providing a consolidated road network
> is one the main aims of this activation. Unfortunately, the country is
> not fully covered by high resolution Bing imagery. It may occur some
> extra imagery would be released. To map the road network efficiently,
> different tools are being tested. Please provide any feedback of useful
> tools that would serve this purpose on the hot arobase openstreetmap.org
> talk list. It would make sense to map the residential areas while
> mapping the roads, taking the time to map quickly a landuse=residential
> around every crossed village or hamlet. For the place names, see
> Populated Places section]. It would make sense to use the GNS files when
> importing UNICEF data (see next section), so that the two datasets tend
> to offset together their potential inaccuracy. [modifier] Ongoing:
> Importing UNICEF data UNICEF authorized the import of their data
> covering the western half of the country, and made of the following:
> UNICEF data for health facilities. Data coming from 2012, constituted of
> 342 nodes spread on 6 regions (half a country). UNICEF data for schools.
> Data coming from 2012,constituted of 934 nodes spread on 6 regions (half
> a country). UNICEF data for water points. Data coming from 2012,
> constituted of 1937 nodes spread on 6 regions (half a country). The way
> to process the imports has been described in this page As imports are a
> relative complex process that requires experience, the TM jobs
> supporting the imports are not open to anyone. If you are interested to
> contribute, please send an email to hot arobase openstreetmap.org.
> [modifier] Done: Mapping Bangui and Zongo Bangui has been intensively
> mapped by the EUROSHA volunteers during their deployment in the country.
> Use this Tasking Manager job to complete and validate the tiles. The
> northern parts of Bangui are still to be mapped. Following the Rebellion
> in Bangui, numerous refugees are crossing the border to DR Congo. The
> area around Zongo needs to be mapped in detail to help humanitarian
> organizations. A specific TM job has been created. City Admin level Name
> Prefecture Importance TM job Imagery to use TM Status Residential areas
> finished Comments Source GIS Data Bambari Prefecture Ouaka High Bambari
> OrbView-3 40 % 20 % source=OrbView-3, USGS, 2006-02-20 Kabo
> Sub-Prefecture Ouham High Kabo Bing, 2012 46 % 100 % Validation needed
> source=Bing HOT Exports link Batangafo Sub-Prefecture Ouham High
> Batangafo Bing, 2012 14 % 100 % Validation needed source=Bing HOT
> Exports link Kaga-Bandoro Prefecture Nana-Grébizi High Kaga-Bandoro
> Bing, 2012 58 % 90 % Validation needed source=Bing Bria Prefecture
> Haute-Kotto High Bria Bing, 2011 34 % 80 % Validation needed source=Bing
> Sibut Prefecture Kémo Medium None Alindao Sub-Prefecture Basse-Kotto
> Medium None 0 % Damara Sub-Prefecture Ombella-M'Poko Medium None Ippy
> Sub-Prefecture Ouaka Medium Bing, 2011 95 % Small part covered by
> clouds. source=Bing HOT Exports link Bamingui Sub-Prefecture
> Bamingui-Bangoran Medium Bing, 2012 80 % Roads to be done. source=Bing
> Mbrès Sub-Prefecture Nana-Grébizi Medium Bing, 2012 100 % source=Bing
> HOT Exports link Ouanda Djallé Sub-Prefecture Vakaga Medium Bing, 2011
> 100 % source=Bing HOT Exports link Kouango Sub-Prefecture Ouaka Medium
> Bing, 2011 0 % source=Bing Kembé Sub-Prefecture Basse-Kotto Medium Kembé
> Bing, 2011 8 % 60 % Partly covered by clouds source=Bing Dimbi Town
> Basse-Kotto Medium Dimbi Bing, 2011 7 % 80 % source=Bing Mobaye
> Prefecture Basse-Kotto Medium None 0 % Moyenne Sido Town Ouham Medium
> Bing, 2012 70 % source=Bing Bossangoa Prefecture Ouham High Bossangoa
> Bing, 2012 100 % 100 % source=Bing HOT Exports link Bouar Prefecture
> Nana-Mambéré High Bouar Bing, 2012 80 % 80 % source=Bing HOT Exports
> link [modifier] Road network The road network between the main towns is
> to be completed and harmonized, based on the typology set for the Mali
> crisis, called Highway Tag Africa. Based on this methodology, we can
> consider that the road connecting the capital cities of prefectures
> should be tagged highway=primary. Theses cities are: Bangui, Bozoum,
> Bossangoa, Berbérati, Bimbo, Bambari, Mobaye, Mbaïki, Bouar, Bangassou,
> Sibut, Kaga Bandoro, Nola, Bria, Obo, Birao, Ndélé. A list of
> prefectures with population census can be found on Wikipedia. The Bing
> high res imagery is sometimes missing, but it might happen the road is
> nonetheless visible on the low res, LandSat based, imagery. It then can
> be complemented this way, but a fixme tag can be added to point out the
> bad accuracy. highway=secondary would be dedicated to road joining
> Préfectures and Sous-préfectures or Sous-préfectures together.
> Sous-préfectures can be tagged place=city or place=town considering
> their population. As a first step, we will start by creating or
> completing the primary road network linking these prefectures capital
> together. If someone considers that extra cities should be added
> considering their economic importance, this can be discussed over the
> HOT list. The admin levels for CAR have been proposed this way, to be
> discussed. According to Proposed_tag:capital, the prefectures should
> then been tagged capital=4 and the Sous-prefectures places capital=6
> Missing road section OSM view Approx. Length Issue Date solved Mapper
> Kaga-Bandoro - Bouca Click 90 km No high res imagery Batangafo -
> Bossangoa Click 30 km No high res imagery List of national Routes
> according to Wikipedia: Name Course OSM view Approx. Length Covered by
> imagery? Status Date Mapper RN1 north from Bangui via Bossangoa to
> Moundou, Chad 482 km complete RN2 east from Bangui via Bambari and
> Bangassou to the Sudanese border at Bambouti 1202 km partly low-res
> images east of Obo complete (needs a bit of work east of Obo) RN3 west
> from RN1 at Bossembélé via Bouar and Baboua to Boulai on the Cameroon
> border as part of the east-west Trans-African Highway 8 Lagos-Mombasa
> 453 km complete RN4 from RN2 at Damara, 76 km north of Bangui, north 554
> km via Bouca and Batangafo to Sarh, Chad 630 km complete June 6. 2013
> Theodin RN6 south and west from Bangui, 605 km via Mbaïki, Carnot and
> Berbérati to Gamboula on the border with Cameroon 605 km RN8 north-east
> from RN2 at Sibut, 023 km via Kaga Bandoro, Ndéle, and Birao to the
> Sudanese border 23 km RN10 south from RN6 at Berbérati, 136 km via Bania
> to Nola 136 km RN11 from Baoro on RN3 south, 104 km to Carnot on RN6 104
> km List of Prefectures and Sub-prefectures with their main city:
> Prefecture Prefecture capital Sub-prefecture Sub-prefecture capital
> tagged with capital=6 Prefecture capital connected with primary
> Sub-prefecture capital connected with secondary Mbomou Bangassou
> Bangassou capital=4, place=city Mbomou Bangassou Bakouma capital=6,
> place=town Mbomou Bangassou Gambo-Ouango capital=6, place=village Mbomou
> Bangassou Rafaï capital=6, place=town Basse-Kotto Mobaye Mobaye
> capital=4, place=city Basse-Kotto Mobaye Alindao capital=6, place=town
> Basse-Kotto Mobaye Kembé capital=6, place=town Basse-Kotto Mobaye
> Mingala capital=6, place=town Kémo Sibut Sibut capital=4, place=city
> Kémo Sibut Dekoa capital=6, place=town Nana-Mambéré Bouar Bouar
> capital=4, place=city Nana-Mambéré Bouar Baoro capital=6, place=town
> Nana-Mambéré Bouar Baboua capital=6, place=town Ouham Bossangoa
> Batangafo capital=6, place=town Ouham Bossangoa Bossangoa capital=4,
> place=city Ouham Bossangoa Bouca capital=6, place=town Ouham Bossangoa
> Kabo capital=6, place=town Ouham Bossangoa Markounda capital=6,
> place=town Sangha-Mbaéré Nola Nola capital=4, place=city Sangha-Mbaéré
> Nola Bambio capital=6, place=town Lobaye Mbaïki Mbaïki capital=4,
> place=city Lobaye Mbaïki Boda capital=6, place=town Lobaye Mbaïki
> Mongoumba capital=6, place=town Ombella-M'Poko Bimbo Bimbo capital=4,
> place=city Ombella-M'Poko Bimbo Boali capital=6, place=town
> Ombella-M'Poko Bimbo Damara capital=6, place=town Ombella-M'Poko Bimbo
> Yaloke-Bossembele capital=6, place=town Ouham-Pendé Bozoum Bocaranga
> capital=6, place=city Ouham-Pendé Bozoum Bozoum capital=4, place=city
> Ouham-Pendé Bozoum Paoua capital=6, place=town Haut-Mbomou Obo Obo
> capital=4, place=city Haut-Mbomou Obo Djemah capital=6, place=town
> Haut-Mbomou Obo Zemio capital=6, place=town Ouaka Bambari Bambari
> capital=4, place=city Ouaka Bambari Bakala capital=6, place=town Ouaka
> Bambari Ippy capital=6, place=town Ouaka Bambari Grimari capital=6,
> place=city Ouaka Bambari Kouango capital=6, place=town Haute-Kotto Bria
> Bria capital=4, place=city Haute-Kotto Bria Ouadda capital=6, place=town
> Haute-Kotto Bria Yalinga capital=6, place=town Bamingui-Bangoran Ndélé
> Ndélé capital=4, place=city Bamingui-Bangoran Ndélé Bamingui capital=6,
> place=village Vakaga Birao Birao capital=4, place=city Vakaga Birao
> Ouanda Djallé capital=6, place=village Nana-Grébizi Kaga Bandoro Kaga
> Bandoro capital=4, place=city Nana-Grébizi Kaga Bandoro Mbrès capital=6,
> place=town Mambéré-Kadéï Berbérati Berbérati capital=4, place=city
> Mambéré-Kadéï Berbérati Carnot capital=6, place=town Mambéré-Kadéï
> Berbérati Gamboula capital=6, place=town [modifier] Populated Places The
> OCHA COD (Common Operational Datasets) for CAR provides a GIS layer with
> 6,849 places, with this metadata: "SIGCAF was a GIS effort conducted in
> 1996 and correspond with the 2003 census, with cartography prepared in
> 1:200,000 scale, on admin boundaries, as well as village locations.
> Village locations were taken with GPS in a systematic way."
> Unfortunately, as the source of this data is mixed and sometimes unknow,
> it appeared to be not compatible with ODbL and thus cannot be imported
> in OSM. The only ODbL compatible gazeeter known so far is the NGA
> Country file (GNS) for CAR, that counts 17,000+ places (not only
> populated, but also hydrographic, administrative, vegetation, etc., as
> explained in the metadata). It is unfortunately, generally outdated and
> tests showed the accuracy is not very precise, but nevertheless it is a
> good source of information to be compared with the places hold in the
> UNICEF humanitarian data (see the import section). The data will be
> proposed on a specific Tasking Manager job as a downloadable file
> gathering the Populated Place spread into each grid extent. Most of time
> each populated place is close to a specific populated landuse visible on
> Bing imagery. Towns, villages and hamlets have to be create at their
> exact location, approximately in the middle of the populated landuse.
> This latter has to drawn and tagged and a landuse=residential.</strike>
> [modifier] Quality control You can participate by checking the mistakes
> with Keep Right! or Osmose. [modifier] Data Imports Information on CAR
> Imports is listed on separate pages, and led by HOT and the EUROSHA
> volunteers. See: CAR Imports Central Africa Import [modifier] Central
> African Republic GIS data Access the HOT Exports service and create
> exports jobs to get GIS data on various formats. Here is a link for
> Bangui and Zongo. Check also above in the Mapping of affected cities and
> towns spreadsheet to get direct links. Note: Jobs before April have
> topological errors, so download data from April. Start a new run to get
> up-to-date GIS data within a few minutes. The map of Central African
> Republic for GPS Garmin devices. Please find here how to install this
> map on the GPS Garmin's micro SDcard. Common and Fundamental Operational
> Datasets on the site of OCHA. Interactive Forest Atlas for Central
> African Republic of the World Resource Institute. [modifier] Imagery &
> sources Bing coverage for Central African Republic is available at a
> high resolution in many areas including Bangui, Bangassou,Bamingui,
> Berberati, Bambari, Batangafo, Bria, Kabo, Kaga-Bandoro, Ippy, Birao,
> Mbaiki, Ndele, Mrbes, Ouadda, Ouanda Ndjalle and Zemio. The imagery is
> relatively recent (2011). Bambari is not covered by high resolution Bing
> imagery but there are 2 Orbview-3 images covering it. These two images,
> with enhanced contrast, are available online from OpenStreetMap France
> imagery server, as TMS and WMS. For JOSM, add the following TMS supplier
> in Preferences/WMS-TMS/+ :
> tms[19]:http://wms.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/centrafrique/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.
> For Potlatch2, add the following background:
> http://wms.openstreetmap.fr/tms/1.0.0/centrafrique/$z/$x/$y. Check the
> quality of the imagery with Bing Image Analyzer [modifier] Information
> To get information on the situation in the field you can consult: the
> Network of Journalists for Human Rights in Central African Republic
> website(in French) who publishes a lot of located news and hosts a
> Crisis Map - CAR, using Ushahidi the Humanitarian and Development
> Partnership Team website, that collects the different humanitarian
> reports and maps about CAR. HDPT gathers all the humanitarian and
> Development stakeholders in the country and have weekly meetings.
> [modifier] Communication Connect to other Openstreetmap contributors
> active in Central African Republic : Enter the #osm-cf IRC channel on
> OFTC channel. If you are not used to IRC, you can easily join here from
> your browser check the mailing list talk cf check the HOT list Catégorie
> : Countries in Africa Menu de navigation
> françaisSeverin.menardDiscussionPréférencesListe de
> suiviContributionsDéconnexionPageDiscussionLireModifierAfficher
> l'historiqueNe plus suivre Rechercher Accueil The map Communauté Map
> Features Contributors Aide Blog Shop Donations Modifications récentes
> Outils Pages liées Suivi des pages liées Importer un fichier Pages
> spéciales Version imprimable Adresse de cette version Information sur la
> page Citer cette page Dernière modification de cette page le 21 décembre
> 2013 à 19:55. Content is available under Creative Commons
> Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license unless otherwise noted. Politique de
> confidentialitéÀ propos de OpenStreetMap WikiAvertissementsCreative
> Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license Powered by MediaWiki>, we are
> processing the import of humanitarian data (Health
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_CAR_UNICEF_FOSA>, Education
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_CAR_UNICEF_Education> and
> Water <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_CAR_UNICEF_WASH>
> facilities) provided by UNICEF. The process has been validated for a few
> months by the OSM import list, the import has already started, but it
> lacks some experienced OSM volunteers to help me to 
> do it. As imports require a careful process, It is described in a
> detailed workflow
> <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_CAR_UNICEF_workflow>, using
> specific, private Tasking Managers jobs to process the import tile by
> tile (thanks to Ben Abelshausen fo having set this). Would some mappers
> already experienced in importing data into OSM be interested to join
> this import?
> Sincerely,
> Severin
> _______________________________________________
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya


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