
Sorry for not noticing this before, but for the Health facilities
import, it seems that all tags that have a ":" in their key, like
operator:type were by accident imported with a "_" instead of a ":". I
checked this for:

operator_type instead of operator:type
toilets_number instead of toilets:number
capacity_beds instead of capacity:beds
health_facility_type instead of health_facility:type
addr_city instead of addr:city

Just as an example, addr:city is correctly imported as "addr:city" for
school and water facilities, but imported as "addr_city" for health
facilities, that is inconsistent.



On 22/12/13 23:22, Severin MENARD wrote:
> Hi Rafael,
> My comments inline (I deleted my first message; I do not understand why
> a whole wikipage shows up).
>     Message: 1
>     Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 13:15:24 +0100
>     From: Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>>
>     To: hot@openstreetmap.org <mailto:hot@openstreetmap.org>
>     Subject: Re: [HOT] CAR Activation; experienced mappers to finish the
>             import of UNICEF data?
>     Message-ID: <52b6d7dc.9070...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:52b6d7dc.9070...@gmail.com>>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>     Hash: SHA1
>     Hi, S?verin:
>     I will be glad to collaborate in this import.
> Thanks! 
>     Its wiki is very clear, but I have a small question:
>     In the UNICEF import wiki it says, in the "Roads" subsection (
>     http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_CAR_UNICEF_workflow#Roads ),
>     that if a road doesn't exist, we can use the workflow for the WRI data
>     import.
>     In the "Road network" section of the WRI import wiki it says the job
>     will be coordinated through the job http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/219 ,
>     but once you go there, there is a note that says: THIS JOB IS
> Actually, I had in mind to use Bing imagery to trace the roads; I added
> that to the Wiki page. WRI imagery is not accurate for roads and would
> serve only as an indication of the existence of a road to be traced with
> Bing Imagery. Anyway I think process to one import + one check on
> another source would be tricky 
>     What to do then?
>     I can start working with the UNICEF import, but will ignore that road
>     WRI import for the time being, to save time.
> WRI data import will be interesting for the landuses (this data has been
> created from remote sensing), but it is not a priority for the moment
>     Cheers,
>     Rafael ?vila.
>     Message: 2
>     Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2013 19:26:17 +0100
>     From: Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:ravilac...@gmail.com>>
>     To: hot@openstreetmap.org <mailto:hot@openstreetmap.org>
>     Subject: Re: [HOT] CAR Activation; experienced mappers to finish the
>             import of UNICEF data?
>     Message-ID: <52b72ec9.1090...@gmail.com
>     <mailto:52b72ec9.1090...@gmail.com>>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>     Hi again:
>     I am just importing the data for a tile as a test (the one that has
>     Berb?rati town in the SE corner ( http://osm.org/go/wJ4HSfE- )).
>     I've seen three things that I am in doubt:
>     In the Education import:
>     1) All schools have a 'fixme' tag that doesn't make any sense for me,
>     and that I left unchanged. They are like fixme=16.9603;7.62196 . They
>     look geolocation data, but they don't match with the latitude/longitude
>     of the place at all. One example is this node (?cole Saint Beris):
>     http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2590517305
> The key was not a good choice when set: it is not a fixme, but actually
> just a remember of te original poisiton of the UNICEF data. But I am
> surprised you say it does not matchwith the actual place
>     2) Some schools have the 'capacity:classrooms', 'capacity:pupils' and
>     'capacity:teachers' with value "0". Shouldn't it be set to "unknown" in
>     case there is no data of number of classrooms and pupils/teachers
>     capacity, as it doensn't make sense a school without classrooms, nor
>     pupils nor teachers?
> Right, the original data was with 0, but unknown would be better.
>     I am now with the Water wells import:
>     3) All nodes have a 'operator' tag that is set to "yes" or "no". I think
>     this should be wrong. Even if we think that the mistake is about mixing
>     'operator' with 'operational_status' tags, it isn't again the point, as
>     there are wells that are set with operational_status=closed +
>     operator=yes, and wells that have operational_status=open + operator=no.
> Actually operator measns if there is someone specifically caring for the
> water well. If this is a community one, operator=no
>     As for the Health import I didn't spot any problem, but I would suggest
>     to add to the wiki the meaning of the abbreviations to help mappers to
>     change the names accordingly:
>     CS = Centre de Sant?
>     PS = Poste de Sant?
>     HR = H?pital Regional
> Good idea 
>     ...
>     Cheers,
>     Rafael.
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