
Severin (sev_hotosm) commented in an earlier message that validation needs to include an overview of a whole area being mapped, and having attempted to validate a whole town, I agree with him. The checking of the small squares from the Tasking Manager can only be an early stage, as you don't get a realistic view until you zoom out and look at the whole thing - in a little square something may look like a footpath partially obscured by trees, but when looking at the whole thing it becomes part of a tertiary road obscured by trees in just that square.

For the past few days I've been sending out messages through OSM to users (10 so far) who have contributed to the mapping in http://tasks.hotosm.org/job/141#. If possible I've looked at several completed squares before sending the message.

The message, with slight variations to suit the circumstances, reads;

/Hi & thank you for helping the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT). /


/I am an experienced mapper (still learning though!), and have looked through one (two..?..) of the squares you have completed for task from the OSM Tasking manager. You got it right, thanks!/


/If you are a regular contributor to HOT then keep up the good work. /


/If this is one of your first contributions, then thank you & please keep up the good work. There are many tasks outstanding in //http://tasks.hotosm.org///, all are for very good causes & it would be great if you could keep contributing./


/http://hot.openstreetmap.org///and //http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Team//will tell you more about HOT. You can keep up to date about HOT, or particular areas by subscribing to the relevant lists at //https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo//. There is also //irc://irc.oftc.net #hot <irc://irc.oftc.net/hot>//for a link to others mapping for HOT, and the page //http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Irc//lists all of the IRC channels if you have an interest in a particular area./


/Keep up the good work & I hope to see more squares completed by you in the future./





I'm intending to continue with this, aiming to;
a/. Encourage mappers to continue with HOT,
b/. help to provide a level of confidence & security that partner organisations would like to see, &
c/. help any mapper who obviously needs help.

We all make errors, and I'm not aiming to nit-pick. If I spot something I think should be added, I'm probably just adding it. I have 'invalidated' a number of squares, but mainly because they were marked as complete a year or so ago, and more recent imagery showing more buildings & paths is now available, and this needs adding to OSM - if I've got time I'm doing it myself. One square was obviously a technical hitch - had been marked as complete, but nothing had been mapped in it.

Although it's very time consuming I'm hoping it will be seen as worthwhile.

I'd like others thoughts on the message I'm sending - I'm not picking out particular users, but sending it to everyone who's work I look at. Many people receiving the message will be better mappers than me and more experienced with HOT, but there are mappers who have not mapped for HOT recently, and I'm hoping this may make them think about contributing again. I'm not intending to send the same message to a user every time I validate one of their squares.

A few things to think about;
How any validation system should be managed, and by who? Anyone who uses the Tasking Manager is going to see this word 'validated', expect something to happen, and it may be an idea to put something on the wiki's about it. (I'm willing to have a go at the wiki myself, if that would help) When a task is created, is the creator expecting to validate it themselves, or ?
Aid agencies - please comment as to whether this is what you would like.
Who decides who the validators are, and how?
Would you be willing to validate?

Thanks for reading.


Volunteer 'Tallguy' for https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Team

Mapping volunteer 'Tallguy' for http://www.openstreetmap.org <http://www.openstreetmap.org/>

Treasurer, website & Bonus Ball admin for http://www.6thswanleyscouts.org.uk/ (treasu...@6thswanleyscouts.org.uk <mailto:treasu...@6thswanleyscouts.org.uk>)

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