
Since the beginning of March 2014, severe shortages of food and water have
been reported in Tharparkar
District<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tharparkar_District> in
Pakistan's south-east Sindh province. A number of children have reportedly
died of malnutrition. The area has not received any significant rainfall
since the end of 2013. Tharparkar has been declared calamity-hit by the
Government of Sindh and PKR 18.6 million have been released for immediate
relief. See these reports from ECHO <http://ec.europa.eu/echo/index_en.htm>
from the Government of Pakistan:

I created this 
help identify the district and see what is the stated of the OSM data.
Thanks to Pierre, the main roads are already mapped. I checked the imagery
and the whole district is covered by quite good Bing imagery, so we can
provide the baseline data for the relief.

Basically, it would be hard for me or Pierre to lead, would be great if
someone would be interested to lead a monitoring over this area. Basically,
it encompasses creating an OSM wikipage, featured TM jobs (one by one, with
each one covering only a town, not a huge area, eg look at the jobs for the
Central African Republic), HOT exports jobs <http://export.hotosm.org/>,
updating the uMap (see this
providing feedback to the HOT mailing list and if possible write a blog
post when achieved.

If you are already experienced, great. If you feel you do not master
everything listed above but would really like to learn, no problem, IMHO
there are enough experienced people that can help you to start through
email, IRC or Mumble <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mumble>. If there
are more than one candidate, this will make a great team!


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