Sure, OpenCycleMap is good for relief too, and with different data (only ASTER), so it's also good to compare. (My) OpenSnowMap layer is transparent and thus can stay on top of aerial imagery when mapping, I just found this handy and wanted to share.


On 03/29/2014 12:47 PM, Severin Menard wrote:
Hi Yves,

Thanks for this useful resource! I used to use OpenCycleMap to get contourlines. Your (?) rendering is less detailed but IMHO provides a better overview of the relief at first sight. I would use it first and then OpenCycleMap if I need to enter into more details.



On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 9:04 PM, yvecai < <>> wrote:

    I figured out yesterday mapping Macenta that I had trouble
    understanding the way the area was build. It was my first mapping
    for HOT, and also my first mapping outside Europe.

    Mapper could be interested to add this overlay on JOSM over the
    aerial to benefit from contour-lines :
    (source CGIAR-CSI SRTM V4.1 + ASTER beyond 60°N)

    Ski pistes shouldn't disturb the mapper in the concerned area.

    Yves - <>

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