Hi Heather, hi folks,

Thanks a lot for sending my post to the mailing list, Heather. It was
indeed a fantastic experience for me as well!
Further I would love to thank everybody again for the huge support from
everywhere in the world! Tonight I was skyping with two of the Congolese
mappers, and they go on with their data collection. They could mannage a
bigger room as office space and are looking now how to optimize their own
work in Lubumbashi and the bigger province of Katanga, and they are as well
looking how they can contribute to other mapping projects by the Tasking
Manager. So a promising sequel...

And in addition, some pictures of our field work in Lubumbashi!

Thanks again for all the support for this brand new community!

All the best,


2014-04-02 22:55 GMT+02:00 Heather Leson <heatherle...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Folks, Jorieke posted her blog article about the fantastic work in the
> DRC. Many of you have also contributed to this effort.
> The article was not posted to the mailing list so I am sharing as they
> deserve some extra HOT recognition.  Well done!
> en francais: http://hot.openstreetmap.org/node/285
> English:
> http://hot.openstreetmap.org/updates/2014-04-01_a_week_in_lubumbashi_drc
> Thank you a million times over for being so inspiring,
> Heather
> Heather Leson
> heatherle...@gmail.com
> Twitter: HeatherLeson
> Blog: textontechs.com
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