
Thanks for your work on this. I've installed it on two different computers (small laptop screen & one with a much larger desktop screen) and given it a thorough work out over the last couple of hours - I like it & found it much easier to identify problems with highway tags.

I've added a section to the wiki at recommending its use - can you check you are happy with the wording please.

I've also added a couple of requests on github - if someone could look at them when convenient I'd be grateful.

Once again, thanks for the work by all involved on this, I think it's a real improvement & will be using it from now onwards.



On 13/04/14 09:55, Mark Cupitt wrote:
To support the Tharparkar HMP and to make Validation of Tiles Easier, we have just released a new JOSM Style. This style is designed to highlight any items that do NOT match the spec proposed by Pierre at

At the Moment, we are focused on Landuse=residential and the highway and surface tags. Any tags used in a specific area that do not match the tags specified, will be highlighted brightly in red, whilst acceptable tags will be muted but still visible.

Hopefully this will make validation of tags used a lot simpler, but, of course, tiles still have ot be checked for completeness.

The remainder of the styling is as per the HDM Style and has been left untouched for now.

The Style was developed from the HOT HDM Style and and the Surface Data Entry Style from AndrewBuck

This is the first version and it is available for download at

If you find any issues or would like to expand the styles capabilities, please leave an issue on the Git Repository.

We have also submitted it for inclusion in the JSOM Map Paint Style Wiki so you should be able to download it direct into JOSM


Mark Cupitt

"If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence"

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