Monique, Pierre, all,

This is excellent, and brilliant timing! I wanted to just flag quickly what's 
under development. As Pierre alluded to V2 is under development for a launch, 
soon. There's been discussion of this within the Technical Working Group. But 
we want to widen the feedback, and the views forward. I'll follow up soon with 
more details, and we can all figure out a good time to gather somewhere online 
to discuss in real time.

* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
On Monday, April 28, 2014 8:24 AM, Pierre GIRAUD <> 
Hi Monique,
>First of all, this looks awesome.
>FYI, I'm the main developer of the tasking manager for both V1 and
>V2. And I would be really happy to get help from you and the others
>students in order to improve the tasking manager, and increase its
>I have several questions to begin with:
>- Can you please ellaborate what "macro-level templates" are?
>- Is
 "design" meant for graphical or user experience? maybe both?
>- Which instance of the tasking manager v2 did/will you work on? Are
>you aware that a demo instance showing the ongoing work is avaiable? A
>lot of changes happened since the one at
> was installed.
>- Did Mikel Maron or Robert Soden share the link to the v1's feedback
>document with you? There's a lot of useful information there.
>Looking forward to getting more feedback from your analysis. I hope
>I'll be able to help as much as possible.
>On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 6:06 PM, Monique Mitchell
><> wrote:
>> Happy Friday Folks!
>> ***Quick Summary***
>> Students from the University of Colorado at Boulder are working on a class
>> project that is
 looking at possible design enhancements to version 2.0 of
>> the Tasking Manager. We’re focusing on macro-level themes and would love
>> your contribution and feedback.
>> ***Full Description***
>> I wanted to send an email to this listserv first to introduce myself—my name
>> is Monique Mitchell and I’m a graduate student here at CU Boulder. Myself
>> and some fellow graduate students love the work that HOT does and as a final
>> project for our Social Computer course with Professor Leysia Palen have been
>> looking at the design of the HOT Tasking Manager from a constructive
>> perspective.
>> We have been working under the
 advisement of one of the HOT members—Robert
>> Soden—as well as have gotten a bit of guidance from Mikel Maron.  We've done
>> a number of in-class exercises that allowed us to gather user feedback
>> our classmates.  We have also been absorbing as much data that we can on the
>> extant conversations regarding the Tasking Manager (via this listserv’s
>> archives, github repo, user feedback, etc.).  We understand that Tasking
>> Manager 2.0 is underway and have looked closely at its design.  Our focus
>> has been to address such macro themes/needs as:
>> Integration of the Ecosystem
>> ...netween the HOT website, the Tasking Manger, OSM, the various training
>> resources available, etc.
>> help minimize confusion and maximize effectiveness via design while
>> maintaining the spirit of the community
>> Stronger Social Features and
>> these can be leveraged to improve the onboarding/training of new
>> mappers
>> these can help incentive folks to map more
>> these can help increase validation rates and accuracy
>> At this point I wanted to open up the conversation in case anyone here had
>> some comments/feedback on more macro-level design ideas for the Tasking
>> Manager. We recognize that any ideas we have are only as valuable as they
>> meets the needs of the community. Lastly, we acknowledge the preliminary
>> nature of our work while maintaining that it is an important task and as
>> such we hope that any contribution we make can help move the conversation
>> forward in new and exciting ways.
>> If you do have any feedback either now, or once a mockup is made available,
>> please feel free respond on the listserv or to send myself an email
>> ( at any point in time. Or, if you’d prefer to
>> talk to me on the phone or via Skype, send me a personal email and we can
>> exchange information and find a mutually agreeable time. I hope that the
>> results of this exercise would be useful to HOT and any input from the
>> community would help ensure it's aligned with your goals and vision.
>> From Colorful Colorado,
>> Monique
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