Sorry, I did not specify the new tasking manager job,

This is

The  job for the Kailahun district needs also some more care to be completed.


 De : Pierre Béland <>
À : HOT Discussion list <> 
Envoyé le : Lundi 30 juin 2014 14h01
Objet : Ebola Outbreak Activation : The point

With the resurgence of the Ebola outbreak, both MSF and WHO have warned 
about the risk of the spread of the epidemy with the multiplication of 
sites of infection. There are difficulties, notably in the forests of 
Leone, Guinea and Liberia, in identifying cases, tracing the point of 
contact and delivering the message to the population about the 
infection. There will be an internatioanl conference this week to make 
the point about the situation.

Both the Red Cross and MSF are deploying actually in Sierra Leone where 
various sites of infection have been identified.  There will be again a 
CartONG GIS specialist on the ground. This should faciliate the interface with 
HOT about priorities to map. As new 
imagery is available, we will create new jobs.

You can contribute to this new Tasking manager job covering the zone from Koidu 
to Gueckedou. 

It is also important to follow this mapping progress with validating the 
data and correcting road classification. For the road data to be 
effective for road navigation, it would be important that some 
experienced mappers take the responsability to revise the highway 
classification according to the wiki page. This Overpass 
query facilitates importing highway data in 
JOSM for review of the classification.  It imports both highway=track 
and highway=road for review.

 that we should not tag highways based on the condition of the road. A 
highway interconnecting villages should be tagged as tertiaray, Highways
 ending to various hamlets are taggged as unclassified. Track highways 
should be reserved for roads going out of villages in surrounding 
forests and farmlands.

ReliefWeb report

MapAction Map

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