A short reminder, HOT Tech WG meeting is today at 17:00 UTC


On 03.07.2014 13:43, Dražen Odobašić wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> A short reminder that the next Tech WG meeting is scheduled on #hot IRC at 
> 17:00
> UTC, next Monday (7.7.2014.) [0]
> Tentative agenda makes another appearance so if you want to report/discuss
> something please update the document, the order is not important:
> https://hackpad.com/TWG-Meeting-X13-Tentative-Agenda-VcdpOV1h0Zq
> Dražen
> [0]
> http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?p0=1440&iso=20140707T17&msg=HOT%20Tech%20WG%20Meeting%20X%2b13

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