think you clifford for this remember

Fofana in Burkina Faso

2014-08-06 21:57 GMT+01:00 Pierre GIRAUD <>:

> On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 10:29 PM, Clifford Snow <>
> wrote:
>> I'd like to give a short update on Tasking Manager 2 to our 10th
>> Anniversary Celebration in Seattle. Can someone give me a short description
>> on the latest v2.4.0, update on the following enhancements?
>> Difficulty can be set for each task
> Project managers can now set a difficulty level (from easy to hard) for
> each single task. Information about the difficulty rating (when available)
> is given to contributors when they select a task. Beginners may prefer to
> work on easy task whereas experienced mappers can work on more difficult
> tasks.
>> Priority areas can be defined for a project
> Project managers can draw polygons within the project area to distinguish
> sections where the work needs to be done in priority. For example, after an
> earthquake, urban areas close to the epicenter need to be mapped first.
> The priority areas are shown on the map.
> Also when contributors "take a task at random", they are preferably given
> tasks that are in the priority areas.
>> Users are informed when a task they worked on is invalidated
> In the validation process, contributors can invalidate the work done on a
> task if they consider it's not complete or not correctly done. In this
> case, the user who "marked the task as done" is sent a message with the
> comment by the validator. This will eventually help contributors to avoid
> mistakes and do a better mapping.
>> Project tasks can be exported to GeoJSON
> Project managers can export the projects' tasks as a GeoJSON file so that
> they can use it elsewhere (QGIS?). They can use it for reports for example.
> I hope this helps.
> Kind regards.
> Pierre
>> Thanks,
>> Clifford
>> --
>> @osm_seattle
>> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
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Fofana Bagnoumana Bazo
Etudiant en Master II (GĂ©ographie, Gestion des Ressources Naturelles)
A l'université de Ouagadougou
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