A rapid follow-up on this activation.

Following the WHO declaration of international emergency for the Ebola epidemy 
Aug.8, coordination has been extended with various groups and more jobs added.  
CDC staff contact in Monrovia and CartONG GIS specialists in the fields are 
helping us to assess the needs for this activation.

After the mapping done over the last month for Kailahun and Kenema districts of 
Sierra Leone, the focus moves actually to Liberia where we observe a rapid 
increase of new cases and deaths and where less mapping was done recently.

New jobs are added regularly and we still need collaboration of alls.

Note that some jobs more complex to realize are reserved for experienced 
mappers. This is the case of the GNS imports and mapping of dense areas. The 
GNS import is going well but to respond more quickly we need more experienced 
mappers to come and help. Tracing of buildings for Wespoint, Monrovia, is also 
particular. This is the densiest area we have ever seen and the imagery is a 
bit obscured. This neighboorhood of Monrovia is quarantined since yesterday and 
MSF needs detailed imagery like we did in march for Gueckedou for rapid 

Thanks to all. Other then the media attention, the international organizations, 
MSF, Red Cross and others are very impressed by this response from the OSM 

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