Hi Rafa,

Thanks for facilitating this. DId you find the good way to join and tag the
roads without having to do everything manually (like a script or a set of
actions to get a result that needs to be checked after)?



On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 8:47 PM, Rafael Avila Coya <ravilac...@gmail.com>

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all:
> eHealth Africa has released a set of data for Kaduna State. They are 3
> files: one for roads, another of water lines (streams and rivers) and
> the last one for water bodies (riverbanks, lakes, wetlands, etc.).
> The file for roads covers more than 83,000 thousand km of roads,
> tracks, paths, etc.
> Main issues:
> 1) They come with only the information about the surface.
> 2) The ways are segmented and need to be joined and tagged according
> to Bing imagery (most of Kaduna is covered by Bing [1]).
> 3) They are disaligned against Bing. The proposal is to align them to
> Bing, but comments specially about this issue are most welcome.
> I've written the import wiki [2] and the import detailed workflow [3],
> where you have all links and information.
> Points 1) and 2) will make the (manual) import not much faster (if at
> all faster) than standard remote mapping, but would have the (big)
> advantage of not missing the access to almost any hamlet, making the
> whole result much more complete.
> I will send this same email to the imports list. Sorry for duplication
> for those who are subscribed to more than one of this mailing lists.
> Thank you in advance for any input,
> Rafael Ávila Coya.
> [1] Kaduna Bing coverage:
> http://umap.fluv.io/en/map/north-and-central-nigeria-bing-hires-imagery-cover_1580#7/10.536/8.624
> [2] Import wiki:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import_eHealth_Africa_Kaduna_State_Roads
> [3] Hackpad with Import Workflow:
> https://hackpad.com/Kaduna-Roads-Water-Lines-and-Polygons-import-c5HwhZqfQ3n
> - --
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/ravilacoya
> - --------------------------------
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> =4aj3
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