
I'm sorry to hear that. I've put next week in my diary.

Keep up the good work.


On 13/09/14 03:20, Claire Halleux wrote:
Ralph and Nick,
Thank you very much for your suggestions.
Unfortunately we were forced tonight to report the event for security reasonsus, it will therefore take place next Saturday instead. However, despite that fact, data are still urgently needed in order to improve the response coordination and they cannot be waiting for another week. HIU and others have been doing their best to deliver new imagery this night, so I will set up new tasks tomorrow morning, any volunteer will be able to access those tasks throughtand we still need to trace on it in order to fill the gaps between the previous past are still quite needed on.

Claire Halleux
Volunteer and Member of the Board
+243 99 256 9980 (Kinshasa, DRC)
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Nick Allen < <>> wrote:


    I may be able to help a bit at the start of the session, but I
    have a commitment for most of the day & evening - if there are any
    outstanding squares for validation I will try to join in later at
     Could I suggest we try to keep it as close to normal as possible
    - if I check a square & am happy, I will validate it, but may put
    a comment in the comments box concerning any slight changes I may
    make. Because of my lack of language skills, I created these two
    links on the wiki which could be pasted into the comments box &
    hopefully would help to pass information;
    Buildings which have not been squared, but should have been

    Not adding a changeset comment when saving / uploading

    I sometimes send a message using the OSM message system, and on
    occasion have linked the message with screenshots showing the
    changes I have made.

    I strongly suspect that smaller squares will mean that it is more
    difficult to interpret but this
    will not be the fault of the new mapper, just an indication of how
    difficult it is when you can only see a small area. It will need
    the validator(s) to take an overview of several squares & change
    the tags appropriatly - this is fairly easy once the mapper has
    done the difficult & time consuming job of tracing the path /
    track / unclassified / residential ............. way.

    Hope this helps.

    Regards & have a good day.


    On 12/09/14 02:51, Claire Halleux wrote:
    Hi Nick and Volunteers,

    On Saturday morning, from 900 to 1300 UTC, we'll be having
    another small mapathon/mapping party in Kinshasa in order to edit
    Ebola affected area in DRC, using some new imagery. Nearly all of
    the participants will be beginners, so I am planning to create
    another task with small squares and I think this could be a good
    place for testing this type of training task. Potential
    validators will be welcome to send feedback during the event. As
    it usually gathers between 10 and 20 participants, a few
    validators would be enough in theory.
    Let me know if anyone would like to support this event,

    Moreover, do you think exchanging messages within TM and OSM
    website will be enough? or should we try to set up an additional
    skype group or anything else for the event? IRC? (local
    participants have never used it as far as I know, same with Mumble).



    Claire Halleux
    Volunteer and Member of the Board
    +243 99 256 9980 (Kinshasa, DRC)
    Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

    On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 12:39 AM, Nick Allen
    < <>> wrote:


        Thanks for the offer of help - you're likely to see a request
        for help approaching the 30th September when we have another
        Missing Maps Project Mapathon in London.

        I'm really hoping that Blake can make progress on a guide to
        satellite imagery - it's been on my todo list for some time,
        but I'm conscious I've started many things and it would be
        good if I actually finished a few of them. Although I agree
        that starting new mappers with crisp images would be good, I
        think it would be good to include a few fuzzy ones in the
        guide to show what you have to deal with sometimes - educated

        At the moment I'm not intending to contact mappers who have
        not marked as complete the squares they have opened. There
        can be genuine reasons - it's happened to me several times.
        It can also be a question of confidence & I don't want to
        frighten anyone away. If we can get a trial area, and the
        trial works, then this may largely solve the problem. I think
        also that the general discussion will have raised awareness &
        that can make a difference as well.

        Thanks again


        On 09/09/14 17:53, AYTOUN RALPH wrote:
        Hi Nick,

        I have been mapping the Africa HOT projects and am familiar
        with the 'on the ground' knowledge of some parts of Africa.

        I like your idea for assisting the new mappers and agree
        that some of the image material is pretty difficult to map
        due to various cover, fuzzy images or
        overcrowded towns and slum areas to mention some.

        Choosing easier areas with sharp images would help the new
        mappers to get the feel of the work and build up confidence,
        and having feedback for their work early on would help them
        to know if they are doing the right thing or not.

        To this end I am willing to give you a hand in helping new
        mappers to read the imagery, create more complex building
        shapes and the use of basic tags. Please let me know if
        there is anything I can do to help.

        I have come across the increasing problem of mappers not
        happy about marking squares as done, I have gone to numerous
        squares and apart from a few tweaks there is nothing left to
        do, but a number of mappers have opened that square, looked
        around and then unlocked it again. I feel guilty marking
        those squares as done when I have hardly done any work on
        them. Should we contact the person that has done the most
        work and tell them they have done well and could they please
        go back in and mark it as done so they get the credit for
        closing it?



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