Yes. I was aware that it wasn't needed to use the import account to access
the job tasks and their data. I didn't comment it because I am now in a
long distance bus, only with my cellphone. But it's actually a bit better
if we access with our import account instead of the regular one, as that
way the import account will be the one that will appear in the stats, and
therefore making it more clear/less confusing.
In a similar job for the import of health facilities in Bauchi state (job
637 if I remember well) I sent a message to a user blaming him for using
his regular account, based on a quick look to the stats of that job, only
to find that he was using his import account correctly. Blushing.
I will add my import account as well, and will with other accounts if
people ask me.


El 23/09/2014 12:43, "Blake Girardot" <> escribió:

> Hi Rafael,
> I realize adding my import user name to the HOT TM2 project was not needed
> was it?
> It only matters that we use the proper OSM login info for JOSM, checkout
> the task can be under our regular OSM login. First time I had to use an
> alternate login so I got a little confused :)
> Sorry for the added work.
> Regards,
> Blake
> On 9/22/2014 10:33 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
>> Done. Cheers,
>> Rafael
>> El 23/09/2014 09:22, "Blake Girardot" <
>> <>> escribió:
>>     On 9/21/2014 1:42 AM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
>>         I've added to the job the same users that were contributing to
>>         the GNS
>>         merging job [3] + myself.
>>         If anyone else is interested in participating in this import,
>> please
>>         reply to this list to have your name added.
>>     Hi Rafael,
>>     Can you please add my unique UNMIL import OSM account to this task:
>>     bgirardot_UNMIL_Import
>>     If we can do it under our regular OSM account then I am all set,
>>     that account can access the job already.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Blake
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