Hi West African mappers,

Just want to say: really really great what is happening now in Togo with
all the different OSM communities!!
Mapping for your neighbours in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinée to be able
to combat the ebola outbreak in a better way, it's great!

And by the way, I'm really curious who's making the super cool cartoons of
like http://tiny.cc/x366mx & http://tiny.cc/i766mx

For everyone else here, you can follow what is happening in Togo on the
facebook pages of the different OSM communities: Benin, Togo, Senegal,
Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Niger, .. who else is there?

Keep on going!
I follow you on the social media and will do some mapping out of Belgium
too today :-)

We are together! On est ensemble!


2014-10-03 21:04 GMT+02:00 Pierre Béland <pierz...@yahoo.fr>:

> Awesome Nicolas.
> I will assure that we add Task Manager jobs if necessary.
> Pierre
>   ------------------------------
>  *De :* nicolas chavent <nicolas.chav...@gmail.com>
> *À :* hot <hot@openstreetmap.org>
> *Envoyé le :* Vendredi 3 octobre 2014 13h23
> *Objet :* [HOT] Togo-based Western African mapathon to support the OSM
> activation in support of the Ebola humanitarian response
> Hi there,
> I am forwarding this email posted by Emmanuel from OSM Ivory Coast (OSM
> CI) about the Ebola mapathon that a collective of mappers from Western
> African countries (from Togo, Ivory Coast, Burkina-Faso, Niger, Bénin and
> Sénégal) gathered in Togo will be organizing tomorrow (4-Oct, 2014) night
> 7:00 PM (GMT) onwards.
> The mapathon will take place after a one day long mapping party the same
> day (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) that this collective of Western African mappers
> will be organizing for the members of a togoles free software association -
> l' Association Togolaise des Utilisateurs de Logiciel Libre (ATULL).
> Both events are part of a regional OSM-based (technical and organizaional)
> capacity building program of the Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF) which
> started about ten days ago and will be held in the Village Du Bénin at the
> Campus of the Lomé University where the workshops are based.
> Anyone willing to join from afar (or in-country) is warmly welcome !
> Excellent day,
> Ciao
> Nico
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *bama emmanuel* <bamaemman...@gmail.com>
> Date: 2014-10-03 17:55 GMT+02:00
> Subject: [Hot-francophone] MAP4EBOLA Rejoignez-Nous
> To: hot-francoph...@openstreetmap.org
> Emmanuel's email contained a flyer for the mapping party, you can access
> it through one of his tweets :
>  https://twitter.com/EmmanuelBama/status/518018269824184320
> --
> *Emmanuel BAMA*
> *Ingénieur Reseau Info&Telecom.*
> *SMS&Voice Apps Devel*
> *Formateur TIC/Cartographie OSM*
> *Flash-Sondage <http://fsondage.wordpress.com/> Cofounder*
> *+225 47 51 31 92 / 06 97 04 86bamaemman...@gmail.com
> <bamaemman...@gmail.com>*
> *Mon Blog|Logiciel Libre|TelecomLibre <http://emmanuelbama.wordpress.com/>*
> --
> Nicolas Chavent
> Projet OpenStreetMap (OSM)
> Projet Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)
> Projet Espace OSM Francophone (EOF)
> Mobile (FRA): +33 (0)6 52 40 78 20
> <nicolas.chav...@hotosm.org>
> Email: nicolas.chav...@gmail.com
> Skype: c_nicolas
> Twitter: nicolas_chavent
> _______________________________________________
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
> _______________________________________________
> HOT mailing list
> HOT@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/hot
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