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The object in picture 1 (on the left side) and the same object in
picture 2 is definitely a well.

For the others I am not so sure about these: they could be small
holding tanks as you suggest but I am not so sure that is what they
are.  Generally we have been mapping them as buildings.  I think many
of them are small storage buildings for holding grain, or for holding
small tools and farm equipment.  This is just speculation on my part
though based on the bits I know from reading about life in the area.

What we really need is for someone to go through one of these towns
and thoroughly survey it on the ground to accurately classify
everything so we know what is what.

In any case though, thank you for taking the time to consider what
these might be, hopefully someone with more local knowledge than me
can give more complete answers on the rest of your pictures.

- -AndrewBuck

On 10/29/2014 01:27 AM, S Volk wrote:
> Hi people mapping Kayes, please, one question on what is said in
> #hotosm-task-711 (Kayes/Mali) instructions:"black spots correspond
> to pools of water"
> (*IF PREFER, JUMP TO PICTURES) I'm not sure if I'm beginning to
> understand well the peculiar pattern of features there, I ask you
> if can confirm.I haven't seen truly black spots as mentioned, in
> this area I show. May you have an satellite image of that mentioned
> black spot to publicize? Are these rounded things wells, or polls,
> (mostly public), or none of them?Its all here:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit?editor=id&#map=19/14.44470/-11.48133
> What I think it is:
> 1-On the left and above on the screen shown, there is what seems
> some round huts in dark color: they seem brown, with shadows bigger
> than ground and fences, to the side above the ground (hut, if they
> are closed with walls, or a shelter if open, but can't know if open
> or closed to be specifically tagged). Besides there seems to be
> fences since are very irregular, not straight, but it could be
> walls; perhaps more probably walls of bricks, since shows no light
> failures through its shadows, mud bricks.
> 2-In the central common/public place, there are two rounded shapes,
> around 1 and 2m diameter, both with shadows of walls seeming to be
> above the ground. The one with 1m seems dark in inner side, so
> deeper than ground, so looks like a public well. The one with 2m
> seems bright in innner side, so in the level of ground or almost.
> So looks like a public reservoir, like a pool but with small walls.
> Some like one spot in extreme right, with bright color in inner
> side, around 1m diameter, seems to have walls above the ground,
> seems it also can be a well. 3-Other, like the one brown to right,
> is around 4-5m wide, same widht of others that seemed to be huts.
> Seems have no shadow of walls above the ground, only to downside,
> so seems a pool, or some kind of small reservoir. I guess now maybe
> I'm realising a patterns around: I only saw before what seemed to
> be high and closed water constructions  around 2m wide and almost
> on the level of roofs. The rest I thought it was fences (for small
> animals like goats, chicken; perhaps there are).But now I think
> almost every house seems having an open reservoir squared 1-2m
> side, with small walls above the ground (shadows not longer than
> fences) to people can get to Don't know if is much important to
> know this. Only to report, if useful. Not to complicate, are these
> two basic features of water_well and reservoir (pools) differently?
> Is there a tag for such kind of small reservoirs?(Reservoir is by
> now only for big tag:landuse=reservoir. Also seems not a typical
> pond on ground level.) SCREENS:
>>> So it seems there is a basic pattern of at least 3
>>> constructions for each allotment: houses around over 3x6m,
>>> closed squared high water tank, and open reservoir on ground
>>> level 1-2m wide (few 4m), almost squared or rounded.
> And on common areas some public water-well (but one well shown here
> seems particular), together with reservoir on ground level for
> eventual water delivery by truck, and reservoir below ground level
> to colect rain too. Can this be confirmed? Is this a pattern? Are
> those the mentioned pools (reservoir), and about high water tank,
> etc., is there propper tags? Thanks. Sorry for bad english.For
> anything, contact me.Regards,Sergio
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