As a temporary feature, it could probably tagged as a farmland by now, no?

Le 1 novembre 2014 05:36:31 CET, Ray Kiddy <> a écrit :
>On Fri, 31 Oct 2014 17:05:28 +0100
>Mathias Lück <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently working on task 672/sierra leone/ebola.
>> Significant parts of the forest in the area I'm mapping seem to be
>> cleared wit fire ("Slash-and-burn"). Wikipedia shows a good picture:
>> See sattelite images here:
>> 9,11525 -12,69831
>> Should these areas be marked in a special way?
>> Regards, Matt
>You should probably check with some non-HOT resources on this question.
>There are probably groups with an explicit forest management focus. I
>get responses on my user diary. You could ask the question there.
>The data geek in me says that there has got to be people interested in
>this data. If you mark it, it may not get used. If you do not mark it,
>the opportunity for it to be used is gone.
>Looking at the map features page on the wiki, there is:
>       man_made = clearcut
>Pretty close. There could be an analogous feature, yes?
>       man_made = slash_and_burn
>Seems reasonable to me.
>- ray
>HOT mailing list

>From my phone
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