Hi Martin, I've updated the changeset info. Not sure what happened there... Thanks for noticing!


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m902 --- [HOT] #740 - Leer, South Sudan - some questions ---

From:"m902" <m902....@gmail.com>
To:"" <hot@openstreetmap.org>
Date:Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:47 PM
Subject:[HOT] #740 - Leer, South Sudan - some questions

Hi, I'm new to HOT but have several years experience of OSM.
I've completed a few squares of #740 near Mir Mir and am just reviewing my work (and some completed by others).
Have a few questions:

1. Instructions are to map housing, buildings, also roads and paths, streams and rivers. Unfortunately there is cloud cover on the Bing imagery, so it is difficult to make out buildings. However, it possible to make out what I think are walls or fences. Is it useful to map these?
2. I have mapped some as walls but I see others have mapped them as fences. Could someone with experience of South Sudan advise which is more likely?
3. Immediately to the south of Mir Mir are two areas ( this and this) which I think are possibly refugee camps. Could someone take a look and see if you agree. If so, how do you advise they be tagged?
4. Partly because of cloud cover on the Bing imagery, it is difficult to identify paths and minor roads (and streams). Should I map only when I am quite certain, or is it better to have a guess?

Also wanted to point out that on the Tasking Manager instructions page here, recommended Changeset Comment is 'Mading, South Sudan #hotosm-task-740 #MissingMaps' whereas Mading is actually task #729. Further, in the narrative of that page it says '
Comment the changeset with: DRC, Baraka, #hotosm-task-727 #MissingMaps source=Bing'
which is completely incorrect. Potentially confusing, especially for new mappers encouraged by the MissingMaps project. Perhaps these could be updated.

Many thanks
Martin (m902)

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