Hi Martin,

Good job spotting these settlements and tracks.

It is a good idea to tag the forests as they are part of the instructions.

It is also asked that you map rivers and streams if you can find them.
And I am fairly sure that all these patches of woodland are in fact
covering such rivers and streams.
Have a look from high above:

All the best


On 23 December 2014 at 11:18, m902 <m902....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the comments. I agree that we can't be sure that these are just
> animal shelters and so best to tag them as residential until someone can
> check locally.
> I'm tagging the tracks that link the groups of buildings with nearby
> settlements and anything that looks wide enough for a wheeled vehicle and
> ignoring the other paths.
> Also tagging the woodland, since the tracks don't really make sense without
> that context..
> All a bit tricky because of cloud cover!
> Regards
> Martin
> On 23/12/2014 02:23, Blake Girardot wrote:
>> I find the whole area to be remarkable and lovely in the aerial imagery.
>> But specifically to althio's question about what makes someone think
>> they are animal tracks: Animal tracks would not have been my first
>> thought either, but once suggested I think some of the paths and
>> tracks in the area started looking a lot like animal tracks to me too.
>> Here is a really nice area right around those settlements that I think
>> is covered in animal paths and tracks:
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/4.41335/13.89073 (Mapbox
>> imagery)
>> There are what look like dozens of animal paths coming together to go
>> into the trees on the west side of the area where I am guessing there
>> is a watering hole, in addition to one well worn highway=track (maybe)
>> going NE'ish.
>> And 1.5km ESE of the that watering area are again, what look to me
>> like dozens of animal paths going out to a grazing area. I would guess
>> they are animal tracks because there are so many, jaggy little paths,
>> mostly faint and they seem to just sort of go to nowhere, not crops or
>> anything. But when the animal paths all converge, aside from the
>> general "jaggedness" of the path they make and the nonsense layout,
>> are almost indistinguishable from man made highway=track.
>> It is a really interesting and educational area, thank you again for
>> sharing it.
>> On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 9:27 PM, althio forum <althio.fo...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> It is interesting that you call them animal tracks. What are the hints to
>>> take them as such? My first thoughts would have been: those are regular
>>> tracks and paths used by walking humans, maybe animals and sometimes
>>> vehicles.
>>> In HOT context with remote mapping we are able to identify some
>>> agricultural
>>> fields and tag them as landuse=farmland. When the area is extensive and
>>> we
>>> can spot associated buildings we can occasionally tag the related
>>> buildings
>>> as landuse=farmyard as you suggested.
>>> At first sight the assembled buildings would be settlements in my mind so
>>> I
>>> would tag landuse=residential. But I am very attentive to anything you
>>> could
>>> add to identify this area as animal tracks and farmyard.
>>> Is it easily possible to identify pasture/meadow from imagery ? For very
>>> detailed rural mapping we could then tag this as landuse=farmland or even
>>> landuse=meadow.
>>> althio
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