Hi Jorieke,

I noticed a few buildings already mapped, like the ones in your powerpoint slide showing "significant" buildings, often with brightly colored roofs (blue, red, etc).

And they had roof:colour=* tags on them already in OSM.

Do you think those would help? It might help people find the buildings, or identify which building is mapped: "Oh the one with the red roof"

But I do not know if the roof:colour=* information would be available to the people using our mapping data.

Just wonder if you thought it would be a good idea or not. It is a small thing, but I liked the idea when I saw it.


On 1/15/2015 7:52 PM, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
Hi everybody,

First of all thanks a lot for mapping in the Bangladesh tasks! It will
be of great help!

And indeed, I should have made it clearer in the presentation. I'll try
to do a review tomorrow.
In big follow the instructions of althio:

for appartment and other large buildings --> * building=yes*
for big individual trees which serve as landmark  --> *natural=tree*
but also bushes and a bunch of trees together which too serve as
landmarks --> *natural=wood*
for open areas it is okay to map --> *leisure=common* /(but you can use
also a landcover <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Landcover>tag for
open areas like -->  natural=sand    or     landuse=grass)/

Further remarks and clarification:

- on buildings; indeed it would be good to collect the levels but don't
put effort in it for now. We first need the base map of roads and big
landmarks. This is essential to do mapping on the ground.
- In this case building=construction is also not recommended. Every day
things are changing here. Besides this, buildings under construction
have often already inhabitants. Often they are just building one more
floor on top of the existing building. (Think back to the catastrophe in
Rana Plaza <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_Savar_building_collapse>,
you get buildings ready to collapes anytime by building like this...) So
just stick with building=yes for now.
- the leisure=common tag we try to adjust this one during the mapping on
the ground

If you need more clarifications, if you have questions or if you have
ideas to make all this even more smoothly, please give us a sign!

Best greetings,


2015-01-15 16:48 GMT+06:00 althio althio <althio.fo...@gmail.com

    Hi Bouke Pieter,

    I will try to answer and Jorieke may refine later on.

    > For high (appartment)buildings I assume building=yes?

     >From the instructions tab: map landmarks, large buildings, not
    small ones
    building=yes for rectangular & round buildings - trace the building
    building=construction for walls without a roof
    [note: I assume more refinement are possible as in
    building=residential or building=apartments but this is hard to tell
    from imagery and not requested in this project]
    [note 2: To Jorieke; maybe request additional tag for large buildings
    otherwise they will not stand out if small buildings are ever traced.
    Maybe height=* or building:levels=* even if it is approximate. Anyway
    I think this is valid for any mapping: building=yes/residential +
    building:levels=6..8..10..12 + source:building:levels=estimate from
    [note 3: sometimes in other project, building=construction is not
    encouraged because construction seen in imagery may well be finished
    by now. So follow instructions project by project]

     > Trees: natural=tree?

    from the powerpoint: map BIG trees (because they are landmarks,
    significant tree)
    natural=tree [I assume]

    > But how to do an open area? area=yes?

    from the powerpoint: map open spaces
    leisure=common [I assume, as usual practice for HOT]



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