A message out of Bangladesh, Pete and I are just back at the hotel after a
very good first real mapping day!

In the morning we did a presentation followed by a lot of explanations and
after a little Field Paper exercise around Eastern University in the
Dhanmundi area. In the afternoon, we talked about humanitarian mapping and
went to Hazaribagh to really start mapping!

So yes, this is really getting on! At this moment we are checking the
already mapped data on OSM and will we create soon our Field Papers for
tomorrow. Then installing the everyday updated osm file on OsmAnd on the 8
smartphones we have here  (thank you Blake, Ben, Pierre, Michael, Claire!
Btw. if you want to join this club behind the scenes, please ping me!)  and
put a grid of the FieldPapers as overlay on OsmAnd so we exactly can check
where we are on the Fieldpaper during the mapping.

So yes we are using what you mapped! It is even a major help to have stuff
on the map! So it would be great if you could map a little more for us…

The* most important* now is to have *a rough validation* of
http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/833#task/51  to really kick out the biggest
mess. Pleas start doing this in the North Eastern part, because this is the
place we are going to map on Monday.

Please keep also contributing to this task
http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/838  !

And the other too, but that one is *less a priority *

By the way, Pete just put some pictures of today on twitter J



Our best greetings!

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