Greetings HOT Community,


I have just opened the nomination period for new Voting Members (existing
Members should have received a separate email with instructions).  If you
are committed to the HOT mission and desire a greater role on the
organizational side of things, I urge you to review our Membership Code
found here:
r_annual_meeting_2014.pdf and if you are confident in your ability to meet
our expectations I encourage you to seek nomination.  As detailed in the
Membership Code, a new Member candidate must be nominated by an existing
Member, so if you are not sure who those people are, they are listed here: - but know
that each Member can only nominate one candidate and you must gain 2/3
approval from the entire membership to become a Voting Member, so it is
expected that you have a history of known contributions and that your
nominator anticipates your level of commitment to be maintained or increase
with a Voting Member position.


Please feel free to contact a Member that you know, or myself if you are
interested or have questions regarding HOT Voting Membership.




Russell Deffner

Chairperson for the Voting Members

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) 





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