2015-01-28 1:48 GMT+01:00 john whelan <jwhelan0...@gmail.com>:
> Having worked with translators and translations on technical matters I found
> that the best translations were done by a native speaker who worked in the
> subject area.  When you try and translate a technical subject you first have
> to understand the subject matter.  I once spent two hours explaining the
> meanings of two lines of English to a senior translator who wasn't happy
> with the quality of the initial translation.
> In the end he accepted that the technical people all worked in English and
> we would just do a sentence by sentence translational to the second language
> that was essentially meaningless to satisfy a manager it had been done.
> It can be very difficult especially nuances.
> Cheerio John

Hi all,

It's my first post here so I'll present myself briefly. I'm Jorge from
Valencia (Spain), geospatial consultant, casual (hot) mapper and
member of the OSGeo foundation[1]. I've worked with transifex
(GeoServer Spanish strings), translated many docs from OSGeo Live
project[2], part of the beginner guide of LearnOSM a year ago and as a
matter of fact, yesterday started to translate the Coordination guide
also into Spanish[3].

About Transifex, at least in Spanish usually translations work well
sentence by sentence, even you need to have always the full text close
of course. I mean, a sentence in English almost in all cases can be
translated into a single one in Spanish so I guess Transifex could
work well with this kind of documents. And it's not just about
easiness or tracking changes, for me a very important matter is
consistency on the vocabulary, and with Transifex is easy to manage a
glossary of terms that different translators can agree, specially on
big languages like Spanish were things can be named quite differently
across Spain, Argentina or Mexico for example.


[1] http:jorgesanz.net
[2] http://live.osgeo.org/en/index.html
[3] https://github.com/hotosm/learnosm/issues/313

Jorge Sanz
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