Accidentally only replied to Fred. Resending with everyone copied in.

As someone that uses HOT resources a variety of ways for American Red Cross
and Missing Maps I have a few opinions on your questions. First I really
love the work done by you and others in Gaza as it really showed the growth
of HOT and a reflection of lesson's learned from theHaiyan OSM Assessment


*When we know that is an Hot activiation. For gaza it wasn’t an HOT
activation,  as we didn’t decide it.*

Anytime you use the HOT Tasking Manager to organize volunteers and work the
project becomes a HOT project. Even if in the situation of Gaza or any
number of ARC or MSF or Missing Maps projects the requesting NGO supplies
the majority of the volunteers through mapathons or social media calls the
volunteers themselves are still HOT volunteers. In my opinion activations
are different in that they have a HOT lead, typically an activation lead,
shepherding the process as is the case for Ebola or Malawi floods or
similar type disasters. The idea that HOT 'activates' is still one of the
weirdest things about HOT. HOT has truly only 'activated' a few times over
the past five years. The vast majority of the work, from my perspective, is
similar to Gaza or the DRC or Dhaka.

*It was just an initiative as an OSM and HOT members done in a short period
of time.*

Whether the effort was short or long doesn't change the fact that the Gaza
effort used the Tasking Manager to marshall volunteers and organize the

*Who can use this tasking manager : NGO, state, local OSM group, etc....*

The TM has policies in place for establishing new tasks and folks capable
of creating tasks. I think the current system works pretty well of having
seasoned HOT folks guide and mentor newer TM folks like myself until we
gain enough experience to create our own tasks.

*Of course a real HOT activation can improve the
communication/mobilization. , but according to the news at that time we
just digitized as fast as we could. *

I've learned a very important lesson during my time at ARC; communication
about what you are doing and how you are doing it is almost as important as
the work. Communicating and bragging like Mikel was doing about the Gaza
mapping opens more doors, forms new partnerships, and validates the work
that so many of us do.

I suggest that when projects are complete that the creator of the project
should share the outcomes and their experience with the project/activation
through blog post on much like Pierre and Andrew do for
activations. This allows the community to be informed and be aware of
others activities.

*So how many big activation could we handle at the same time?*
Great question. As HOT has gotten better at its work and NGOs adopt it more
into our business process and workflows the frequency and expectations we
put on HOT are only going to grow. It is really important that HOT grow
with those expectations. This is one of the reasons you saw many
organizations come together to improve the tasking manager. Its also a
reason MSF and the Red Cross founded Missing Maps. It allows us to give
back and strengthen HOT as a true partner.

On Thu Feb 19 2015 at 1:17:45 PM Mikel Maron <> wrote:

> Hi
> There was some work a while back to put more definition around the stages
> of "Activation", and differentiate from HOT related "activities" or
> "projects". There's
> lots done in the HOT community which doesn't go through the "activation
> process", including the original Gaza effort back in 2009, which led to the
> formalizing of HOT.
> At the Board face to face in June, we made a priority to define a "HOT
> project", broadly encompassing all kinds of activities taking place in the
> HOT community, even if not an official project or activation.
> In any case, I think there's more work to be done to make this clear and
> useful for us. I think the Activators Training and HOT Summit will be a
> great time to work on these.
> -Mikel
> * Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron
>   On Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:18 PM, Blake Girardot <
>> wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> My responses are in line below.
> On 2/18/2015 10:25 AM, Frederic Moine wrote:
> > What is ahot activation?
> >
> > I saw this slide presentation 16 17 on Gaza.
> > I have activate this task this summer during my holiday as an OSM
> > contributor. I posted the announcement on OSM lists include HOT.
> > I was in direct contact with the shelter cluster responsible for the
> > Middle east region, which has requested assistance for the pre buildings.
> >
> > Next time it could be somebody from an NGO, cluster or other who make a
> > taks on the tasking manager.
> > At the end it was not a request from UNOSAT.
> >
> > I contacted UNOSAT to know what image they were using (the July 6,
> > 2014). I have conducted a damage assessment with them in 2008 over gaza
> area
> > We have digitized all buildings and the product was very useful.
> >
> >
> > As said the head of Unosat on the HOT list it was the first time we used
> > the exact same image with the same georeferencing. At the end their
> > damage assessment point matched perfectly with our building.
> >
> > _The pending questions:
> > _
> >
> > NB: I have no problem for HOT to communicate on GAZA, but still I have
> > some pending questions:
> > __
> >
> > When we know that is an Hot activiation. For gaza it wasn’t an HOT
> > activation, as we didn’t decide it.
> >
> > It was just an initiative as an OSM and HOT members done in a short
> > period of time.
> This is a good question, I do not know the exact process for identifying
> and declaring an "official" activation. I think we are formalizing and
> finalizing the process for declaring an "official activation" and
> deciding what that means.
> > Who can use this tasking manager : NGO, state, local OSM group, etc....
> It is my opinion that anyone who is doing mapping to help with disaster
> relief, prepare for disaster or help with economic development can use
> the official HOT Tasking Manager. But that is only _my opinion_ and we
> try to balance being open to groups running Projects in the official HOT
> Tasking manager and not making too many Projects so the official HOT
> activation and programs get lost to new mappers.
> The Tasking Manager software is open source and easy to install, anyone
> can download and install it. We have step-by-step instructions for how
> to get it running on linux and we are available to help anyone get it
> running. We can also provide a "virtual machine" image so you can run it
> on windows or on Amazon AWS instances.
> We have also talked about setting up a "public" instance of the Tasking
> Manager software that would be a lot more accessable to groups for
> running humanitarian mapping projects of all sorts and then there would
> be no issue with anyone (within reason) running projects on our "public"
> Tasking Manager server.
> I am very much in favor of HOT running a more public Tasking Manager for
> several reasons.
> > Of course a real HOT activation can improve the
> > communication/mobilization. , but according to the news at that time we
> > just digitized as fast as we could.
> >
> > And at the same time, it was the second phase of the hot activation for
> > Ebola.
> >
> > So how many big activation could we handle at the same time?
> >
> > Juste few question that I have in mind today : ) sorry to share this
> > like that, as I don't have the time to follow all those working groups
> > and I apologize for that.
> >
> >
> > All the best FredM
> >
> >
> >
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