
On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 12:42 AM, Tom Taylor <tom.taylor.s...@gmail.com>

> The larger round huts are dwellings, the smaller ones are storage. The
> linear items around the buildings and huts are walls (barrier=wall).

In South Sudan, actually it is generally fences and not walls. Check on these

The buildings and huts should be labelled building=yes.
> On 05/03/2015 7:00 PM, Kretzer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have some questions about this new project:
>> In the western part there are quite unusual structures, there are many
>> buildings
>> stretched in long lines. Like here:
>>    http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/8.1325/29.9831&layers=H
>> I started mapping these as residential areas, unless there were only one
>> or two
>> single buildings - would you do that? Or is it better to just map the
>> buildings?
>> I can't even be sure there buildings are really used for permanent
>> living, just
>> assumed that. Maybe there is someone with mor knowledge of the area?
>> I'm also curious what the many round strucures in the open area are. They
>> could
>> well be man-made, maybe something like haystacks (or whatever material
>> would be
>> collected there).
>> Also I am unsure about the roads. There is one tagged as main road that's
>> not
>> even visible on the imagery. I guess that doesn't make sense
>> (particularly as
>> the other main road can clearly be seen as something like that), but
>> didn't dare
>> to touch the top-level structures.
>> Thanks, and sorry again if I am asking in the wrong place!
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