Hi everyone,

This is great news! Thank you so much for running for Board member Jorieke!

Jorieke is exactly the kind of person I think we will be lucky to have sit on our Board. She is an enthusiastic supporter of local OSM communities and backs up her talk with action and field work!

Her on the ground experience empowering local groups and helping build capacities around the world will be priceless to HOT as we work to increase out support and encouragement of local HOT and OSM groups.

One does not need to work with Jorieke for very long to appreciate her dedication, enthusiasm and professionalism.

Jorieke I look forward to seeing you on the HOT Board and working with you to help make your vision for HOTs priorities a reality whether I am on the Board or not.

It is my pleasure to nominate Jorieke Vyncke for the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Board of Directors.


On 3/9/2015 11:12 AM, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
Hi all,

After seeing all the discussions, mails and reflecting a long time, I
finally decided.

To run.

Not to run away, but to run for the board.

In my eyes the heart of HOT is the community, not the board. Because in
the community, that’s where things are happening: all the remote
volunteers mapping for an ebola task, people on a Missing Maps Mapathon,
data collection with motorbikes by the Togolese OSM-community,
translating LearnOSM into Indonesian, giving a presentation on a
conference, coding to improve the Tasking Manager, … and this to work
towards our common goal of humanitarian aid and local development
everywhere in the world.

This is what the board in my eyes needs to facilitate, to support and to
make decisions towards.

How would I try to work towards this as a board member?

  * We need to support local OSM-communities in every way we can. This,
    by among others setting up projects to support and create local OSM
    communities everywhere in the world. Big budget, but also very low

  * We need to support individual and group projects popping up in our
    HOT-community. Some magnificent examples: MapLesotho, Missing Maps,
    Projet EOF, Mapazonia, … This we can do by sharing the tools we
    made, exchanging ideas and sharing advice, knowledge and experiences.

  * We need to give the membership and the broader HOT community a
    bigger voice by more transparency and the creation of discussion on
    the direction and vision of HOT. Democracy is more than a yearly

  * We need to outreach more towards atypical mapper profiles, like
    mine. In addition to the development of tools and software, we need
    to stimulate and support the organization of social mapping events.
    In this way we can create a bigger diversity in our community.

My vision on what direction the board has to go, flows directly out of
my experiences of volunteering remotely, but most important out of my
experiences of going and mapping on the field. I did several field trips
the last three years, to build and support local OSM communities in the
Central African Republic, Cameroun, Senegal, DRC and Bangladesh [1].
This resulted also in a good knowledge of the field of humanitarian and
development organizations: big international NGOs and local
universities, organisations of the UN-system and small local
associations …. Isn’t this an advantage to have in the board too?
Further I will be based in Africa the next one or two years. I’m leaving
in a big week for Mali to work as a GIS officer for the Belgian
Development Agency. So I’ll have the opportunity not only being a HOT
volunteer, but also using the data we create and giving feedback from a
user side.

Now you know a little bit more what you will get if I’m elected. :-)

I know I’m a little late with presenting myself, but you still have some
time to ask me everything you want (the last day of the election is the
27^th of march). Also after the election I’m open for discussions,
questions and just chatting, because this is how we move forward!


[1] More on my OSM profile <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Jorieke%20V>

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