while mapping some rural areas in the lake region, I was often debating with 
myself when it makes sense to draw a "residential area" - there are many 
buildings thinly spread over a wide area that seems to be used for agriculture. 
Like here: http://osm.org/go/lsN196yb--?layers=H
With myself I agreed on the rule that we would map a residential area, if there 
are more than two larger buildings close together, otherwise just map 
individual buildings. Does that make sense? I guess the advanteage of the areas 
is that they are visible at a smaller scale. On the other hand is seems silly 
to cover all the agricultaral land with "residentisl" tags.

By the way, wouldn't it be cool to have a place to ask such questions right in 
the Task Manager? Or at least have some FAQs there? I just noticed in another 
task - Mayendit, South Sudan, that is - that many people have the some 
questions about the conrete task. Like "what are the round shapes here?" - "how 
can I tell the difference between a ditch and a path" - "how do we deal with 
different imagery from different seasons?" - how do we tag the roads here?"
This would certainly ad to the workload of the organizers, but I think it would 
be useful to achieve more conistent mapping. 

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