Hi John,

We have talked about making them more widely available and we do include them in some of the W. Africa instructions or pass them out to mappers individually, sometimes as part of validation feedback.

I have a short list of revisions is partly why I have not moved them out from my personal page yet in the wiki and called them "done"

As to the huts: It can go either way, but it is my understanding we usually try and map the building footprints as it provides just a little bit more data, approximate size and can help when working physically on ground for orienting yourself a little better than just a point on a map.

But it is up to the project manager to determine what data they need v. how fast it can be generated. In one circumstance just getting a building count and structures represented on the map quickly could be a lot more important than whatever else we gain by an actual building footprint.

And sometimes the circumstances of mapping affecting things. If you are working in the field on a smart phone collecting building locations off line and entering data for each building, outlines would be impossible.

As to drawing the huts quickly, you might already know these things in JOSM, but just in case:

When you copy/paste, where you hold the cursor will be the center of the pasted object. So hold your mouse pointer directly in the center of the hut to paste.

Then with the newly pasted building selected, hold control-alt keys down and you can resize the object you just pasted based on the center of the pasted object. That lets you quickly get the pasted hut the correct size.


On 3/14/2015 12:35 PM, john whelan wrote:
Could the link
be added to the instructions of all HOT West African projects?

I wasn't aware of it before the post on Surface mines characteristics
and it clarified a couple of things for me.  It's certainly useful when
validating to have a reference to point enthusiastic mappers to.

If possible could an image showing two or three small settlements of say
three or four huts joined together with what I would normally think of
as footpaths to show how these should be mapped and the connecting
highways tagged.  I've noticed some variation between the mappers when

Could we also have a guideline on huts?  I've seen them mapped as a
single point and as a circle.  In JOSM its very quick to copy and paste
a hut but that does mean slight variations in size are not mapped correctly.

The other issue would be isolated buildings, I tend to map the building
rather than tag it landuse=residential again a guideline would be useful.

Rather than overwhelm the mapper with the idea that everything
guidelined needs to be mapped I suggest somewhere it says perhaps in the
instructions "For this project please map the roads and settlements
according to the guidelines here:

Thanks John

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