Important aspect of remote islands is indigenous tribes with non-Western
housing.  Likely not visible on satellite. High vulnerability.  Needs local
knowledge to identify locations.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 8:10 AM, Pierre Béland <> wrote:

> Some follow-up
> Remote response support is moving fast as humanitarians organizations are
> still trying to assess the situation and deploy in the various remote
> areas, with islands spread 650 km long.
> As usual, we have a Skype communication room where we coordinate with the
> DHNetwork partners and the international community.
> Again, the international community is impressed by the rapid OSM response
> and the detailed data. The building task is nearly at 90% completed.
> Awesome again! But we still need your input to complete and validate.
> The World Food Program (UN WFP) plan to use our data as their team are
> deploying. Communication towers is also a concern for them with all the
> communications cut. We shoul receive databases to compare with OSM and try
> to find more Communication towers.
> Thanks to Blake who work hard to setup the Daily data export and add the
> ESRI Shapefile format.
> Thanks also to Mikel for the communication tower mapping documentation.
> cheers.
> Pierre
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