Hi all,

So yes, we decided during the last monthly AWG meeting to move ahead and to
test having a weekly meeting, moreover because we have much in our plate to
prepare the future HOT Activation Summit, especially brainstorming about
what we want to document and in which kind of materials.

What we did not plan is what happened to Vanuatu last week, and of course
it will be a good opportunity to make an assessment of the first days of
the activation with the first TM jobs are almost over, including the one
focusing on tracing buildings.

We also discussed about having two different time slots, eg alternating
every week, to allow people for whom the current time is too early or too
late to participate. We decided the best way to figure out if it would
interest people and what time would then fit the most, here is a Doodle
<http://doodle.com/s6guw62kumi4m6yp> to evaluate it. You should see the
time zone on the far right and you need to double check it is your time


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