Hi, Jorieke:

I started the import discussion sending emails to the DRC, CAR and
Cameroon lists, but unfortunately I didn't received any answer.

I did received an interesting email from yours about this last 10th Feb,
telling about the CAR WRI import [1] and about the Cameroon community
and state of the map for that country.

For the CAR WRI: I used that import data to help extensively in mapping
roads all over the country while importing UNICEF data, although I
didn't actually work in any task. I was very focused on the UNICEF data
and would have to contact Séverin prior to work with that WRI import, so
I left it until the 3 TM UNICEF projects were finished.

In any case, this WRI data import is focused only in forest tracks, not
roads in general. Therefore, it covers only the South West of Centrafrique.

In any case, I will be happy to volunteer on that old WRI import if
needed, but bear in mind that there is a new and very interesting job
for road mapping/checking for CAR opened recently by Séverin [2], based
on public domain data from Groads (there is another one for Mali too [3]).

As for the Congo's communities: I would love to contact them, and
collaborate/contribute in any way I can. I didn't know about the Rep. of
Congo community, but I did receive an email from Claire on 26th Feb from
Iraq, telling she would be back to DRC in a month or so and suggesting
to talk about this when she is back.

For Cameroon the data is quite big (around 8,500 ways), so I was
thinking on splitting the import in 3, in order not to overload the data
server. If you are willing, you may check the data [4] and we can decide
how to better set the jobs.

Please, tell me in what ways I can be of any help.



[1] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/219
[2] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/783
[3] http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/813

On 25/03/15 22:47, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
> Hi James, 
> Thanks a lot for the initiative!
> For the two Congo's it might be usefull to still try to reach out a
> little more to the local communities. Because I know in both countries,
> we have OSM enthusiasts.
> By the way, are we talking about the same
> data? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Central_Africa_Import
> Then you should also have a look on the Task we created for
> CAR: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/219
> It is partially done. 
> Happy mapping! 
> Jorieke
> 2015-03-25 16:08 GMT+00:00 James Conkling <james.lane.conkl...@gmail.com
> <mailto:james.lane.conkl...@gmail.com>>:
>     Hi all,
>     I’m pleased to announce the launch of a long-term initiative to
>     upload logging road data from across the Congo Basin.  We currently
>     have three TM projects running:
>       *
>         Democratic Republic of the Congo:
>         http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/920
>       *
>         Central African Republic: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/956
>       *
>         Congo Brazzaville: http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/957
>     Over the coming weeks, we will be launching new TM projects for
>       *
>         Gabon
>       *
>         Equatorial Guinea
>       *
>         Cameroon
>     This is a joint initiative between the World Resource Institute and
>     Moabi--with considerable help from the HOT and OSM communities.  We
>     are validating and uploading to OSM thousands of kilometers of
>     tracks.  At a later point, we hope to compare these roads to
>     high-res satellite imagery mosaics from the year 2000 to 2014 so
>     that we can gain a better understanding of when roads were first
>     cleared and if they have since been abandoned.  Currently, however,
>     we are working to conflate all data with what already exists in OSM.
>     If you are interested, please join us with the upload on any of the
>     above TM projects, which include links to the project wikis.  If you
>     do contribute, please create a separate specific import account for
>     the upload (if you don’t have one yet), and follow the detailed
>     instructions in the workflow wiki.
>     If you have any questions, please reply to this thread or reach out
>     to me directly.
>     Find the initial call for comments announcement on the HOT listserv
>     here:
>     https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/hot/2015-February/007307.html,
>     and the announcement on the imports listserv here:
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/imports/2015-February/003663.html
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