Hi there, a correction. Our correct website is www.openlabs.cc.
As Open Labs I have to admit that there is so much more to do in OSM from
the local community.
At the moment we are focused in organizing OSCAL Conference (
http://oscal.openlabs.cc/), but I will raise this as an issue in the next
community meeting.
We have Besfort Guri from Kosova talking about similar issues in the
conference, and I'll personally organise an open discussion about OSM as

Thanks for pointing this out.


*Redon Skikuli*
*e-mail: **re...@skikuli.com <re...@skikuli.com>*
*web: **www.skikuli.com <http://www.skikuli.com>*

On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Mike Dupont <jamesmikedup...@googlemail.com
> wrote:

> Howdy,
> check out openlabs.com which is a group who is working on open source and
> knowledge projects in Albania.
> in 2010 I was working on the flooding in Shokder, work page here with some
> non dead links.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/AlbanianFloodingCrisisCamp
> We have a mailing list with many users from Kosovo on it, there might be
> some from Albania.
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/gis-kosova
> mike
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 4:54 AM, malenki <o...@malenki.ch> wrote:
>> About a month ago I stumbled over some beginners mapping in Tirana
>> (capital of Albania).
>> Though the edits were not too useful they were tagged with
>> #hotosm-project-926 #PeaceCorps #PeaceCorpsAlbania source=Bing
>> so I thought to do nothing for the time being since the connected task
>> http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/926 said
>> | The Peace Corps Program in Tirana is training Volunteers […]
>> But after a month the data isn't changed/corrected and my message¹ to
>> the creator of the task sent on 24th of March still is not answered.
>> A mentioning of the issue on IRC on March 28th also don't give results.
>> My view of the issue is:
>> Which worth has a "training" when the trainees don't get feedback?
>> The creator of the task (which I assume the trainer) hasn't made a
>> single edit in Albania.
>> The data created during the task wasn't enhanced after creating it.
>> Now I'd like to hand over the "issue" to people with more experience
>> in HOT.
>> Regards
>> Thomas
>> ¹ The message I sent:
>> Mirëdita [Albanian "good day"] $User
>> you created HOT task 926¹ for training volunteers in Albania.
>> I welcome people mapping a country I really like and of course HOT is
>> an invaluable program. But when you are /training/ people you should
>> also teach them how to do stuff and give feedback to what they mapped.
>> Else they may produce just a lot of unhelpful data.
>> I didn't investigate on purpose but so far I stumbled over following
>> issues:
>>     duplicate houses (mapped by the same mapper
>>     https://www.osm.org/#map=21/41.3330021/19.7839432
>>     houses with offset to its basements
>>     https://www.osm.org/#map=20/41.333141/19.782218
>>     houses drawn over highways
>>     https://www.osm.org/#map=20/41.333141/19.782218
>>     ways of outlines only tagged with area=yes e.g.:
>>     https://www.osm.org/#map=19/41.334339/19.788208
>>     In Tirana I found 103 ways which were tagged this way and
>>     belong to HOT task 926.
>> I also found a highway=road dragged over a correct highway which I just
>> corrected in the hope that the other stuff would be vanish due to a
>> training supervisor - which didn't happen.
>> Please tell your trainees that, when they map the outline of a roof,
>> they should afterwards drag it to the ground floor of the building. The
>> higher the building the worse the offset due to the sloped angle of the
>> aerial photograph. Please also tell them about the function "make
>> rectangular" which every editor has. (When using JOSM, don't forget to
>> mention the plugin "buildings_tools" (which enables drawing and tagging
>> a house with two clicks) and the extrude tool).
>> Best Regards from Germany
>> Thomas
>> ¹ http://tasks.hotosm.org/project/926
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> --
> James Michael DuPont
> Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova http://www.flossk.org
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