Thanks Frederic.

As for the duplicate buildings, a number of participants in the event I was
leading found those also. We decided not to map in the area since the
imagery was (is) down, so I don't believe they are a result of my event.


On Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 6:16 AM, Frederic Moine <> wrote:

>  In the same time we are looking to the server,
> Could the leader of the mapping party and the coordinator of this task
>  can make a control quality of the
> data before sending it on the server.
> And contact directly some OSM contributors.
> Since the beginning of this Hot task,  a lot of mistake has been made,
> Duplication of building
> Overlap of road ( sometime 4 roads has been digitized)
> And so one.
> OSM Haiti has started to clean some data and contact some mappers.
> But the best if you are making some mapping party is to check the quality
> of the data before sending in it.
> Apparently a lot of NGO will come in this area in a near future, so if we
> can paid attention of the quality of data as is part of an activation.
> And again if somebody can help OSM Haiti to get the latest imagery over
> this area ( as since 2014 the area has change a lot).
> it will be better to start with the latest imagery.
> All the best FredM
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