Hi Heather and Nama,

Currently projects 994 and 1001 cover several of Nama's priority areas, especially 994.



I have updated those projects to show the priority areas Nama has identified.

However, those projects are for mapping roads only and Nama has requested buildings and open areas also be mapped.

I am not really sure how we should handle that so I am going to let these projects continue as they are, if anyone is working on them and wants to map open areas that would be great.

But it actually looks like these first pass projects to do the road network will complete the initial mapping phase pretty soon (some are 80+ percent) So if everyone could focus on finishing up those two projects, at least the initial mapping that will make it a lot easier to create specific projects tailored to Nama's priorities exactly.

Then I think we should create more targeted tasks based on Nama's priorities and have those do buildings and open areas.

The main places that are not targeted by any of the existing tasks are Kathmandu Valley itself and areas due west of Kathmandu.


On 4/26/2015 8:12 AM, Heather Leson wrote:
HI everyone, here is the activation blog post with all the current
tasks, Nama's updates and how to get involved.


Once the new tasks are available, can someone update this post? I can
try to watch for your notes.

Also, can you share this link widely?

Tweet: Map for Nepal: @KTMLivingLabs and @hotosm are mapping. Join us:
bit.ly/HOTNepal <http://bit.ly/HOTNepal> #nepal #NepalEarthquake

Also, so far Sajjad is hosting a Mapping event to help in Bangalore,
others have been asking online about this.

Thank you,


Heather Leson
heatherle...@gmail.com <mailto:heatherle...@gmail.com>
Twitter: HeatherLeson
Blog: textontechs.com <http://textontechs.com>

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 7:21 AM, Heather Leson <heatherle...@gmail.com
<mailto:heatherle...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Good morning Nama and KLL team,

    First off, it is so good to know that your team is ok.

    Thank you for this leadership and guidance. I can add this to the
    HOT blog and then hope that someone can update it once the tasks are

    Truly, it is so good to hear from you and to know that you are
    working with the Nepal Red Cross.

    Keep us posted on anything else you and yours need


    On Apr 26, 2015 7:02 AM, "Nama Budhathoki" <namabudhath...@gmail.com
    <mailto:namabudhath...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hello All,

        Just to give you updates from the field. Kathmandu Living Labs
        team have assembled in a situation room. We are beginning to
        establish contact with response agencies. We are already in
        touch with Nepal Redcross.

        Here are the high priority areas for your help with mapping
        after discussing here in the group.

        1. Outskirts of Kathmandu Valley
        Please focus on north, east and north-east of  the valley.
        2. Lamjung District : (
        https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/4588153 )
        3. The major residential area in this district is Besisahar (
        https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=12/28.2271/84.3777 )
        4. Nuwakot District : https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/4583250
        5. Gorkha District:

        We would like the following objects to be focused: road network,
        buildings, open space (for helicopter landing).

        Please create tasks in tasking manager accordingly.

        We will send you more requests and guidelines as things evolve.

        Nama R. Budhathoki, Ph.D.
        Executive Director, Kathmandu Living Labs
        *(www.kathmandulivinglabs.org <http://www.kathmandulivinglabs.org>)*
        Cell: 977-9803571739
        Office: 977-6205000

        HOT mailing list
        HOT@openstreetmap.org <mailto:HOT@openstreetmap.org>

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